Prime Minister about the statement of the head of the ANP: C is moral blackmail


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called on teachers' unions to "calm emotions". There should be no moral blackmail, said the president of the ANP, Sławomir Broniarz, who threatened parents and students, said Monday the head of government.

At Monday's press conference, the prime minister stressed that the government was trying to reach an agreement through a multi-month dialogue with the teacher union circles. "I believe that teachers should earn more and that is what we want to achieve by multiplying the increases in the coming years," Morawiecki said.

"I appeal and I ask the unions to calm emotions, and there should be no such moral blackmail that President Broniarz has allowed himself to threaten parents, students." Absolutely no one should speak in such a way. language – I can not imagine that something like this would happen "- stressed the prime minister.

According to Morawiecki, an agreement can be found and reviews must take place, as he stated, because "it's the right of students". "Students should not suffer, we will do everything to ensure that these examinations take place," said the head of government.

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