Prime RPK sentenced to five and a half years in prison. The rapper commented on the verdict


Five and a half years in prison and nearly 500,000 gold penalties – that was the verdict heard by Oliwier R., known as the RPK Bonus. Rapper in the strong words commented on the functioning of justice

Bonus RPK was sentenced / clip "Wiem, że jest kim"

The court sentenced the rapper for drug trafficking – this who was supposed to launch 25 kilograms of drugs (mainly marijuana)). Testimonies of the so-called little witness of the crown with the nickname Niedźwiadek.

R. Oliwier he was arrested in March 2015 during an organized police action. In total, 12 people were arrested who were to act in the band of Marek Cz., Known as Rympałek . In December 2017, the rapper heard charges. The prosecutor's office required five years and two months to be jailed and 450,000 people were imposed on him. punishment.

The Bonus Deal has been widely commented by the media. The experts questioned the credibility of the Crown witness and pointed out that, in the indictment, there were fragments of the rapper's work (excerpts from Exhibit "60- tka "). In defense Bonus of the RPK the hip-hop scene and, among others, Jakub Żulczyk.

After the announcement of the verdict, Oliwier R. comments the judgment on Facebook (1965-19008): "5 and a half years of absolute imprisonment closer to half a million zlotys to give … So today I have treated the court of Kocjan … The only evidence in my case there are testimonies of penitent witnesses … Aside from the word against the word, it does not matter. there is nothing about me who can tell me that I have traded drugs !!! I understand, controlled purchases, plays, billing or tangible goods subject to expertise … of these things … As if that does not matter was not enough, as proof in the case, they took my job, which is already sick !!! "- We read.

The verdict is not legally binding. The lawyers of the hip-hop star have announced a call.

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