Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Received a Romantic Home as Queen's Wedding Gift


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle married in the middle of Windsor Park Home Park as a Queen's Wedding Gift

Luxury Cottage for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Adelaide Cottage is a charming property a house that lived with his partner, Princess Małgorzata. The property was built in 1831. This is a wedding gift from Queen Elżbieta herself. It looks like this:

The Daily Mail informs that newcomers have already seen their new home, they are delighted and will soon move in. Nevertheless, the palace refused to officially comment on this case.


The anonymous interlocutor adds:

There are seven entrances fenced off and exit at Windsor Castle, so newcomers can come and go without fear that someone takes a picture.

A house with past and luxury

Adelaide Cottage was built for Queen Adelaide, wife of King William IV. Since then there have been royal dignitaries – the last inhabitants were the son of Queen Elizabeth's cousin Simon Rhodes. He died in 2016.

The property underwent a renovation in 2015 and it is said that it is picturesque. The master bedroom is said to be huge, and the ceiling is decorated with decorations from a nineteenth-century yacht in the shape of dolphins and ropes. There is also a marble fireplace in Greek-Egyptian style.

At this is added the convenient location of the property – located in the adjacent Windsor Park. This allows quick access to London. In addition, the house is close to the private quarters of Queen Elizabeth and Harry's favorite polo club.


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