Prince Harry saved Meghan Markle on the official number. We know the reason


Meghan Markle and Priest Harry appeared at Buckingham Palace at the end of June in the company of Queen Elizabeth, where the "Queen & # 39; s Leaders 2018" awards were awarded. They looked happy and happy on the pictures of the ceremony. However, the camera recorded an embarrassing moment.

Prince Harry resisted Meghan Markle's hand

There was a short recording on the network where we can see how Prince Meghan wants to take Prince Harry's hand, but he … pushes his hand. Although many people may have thought that it was the first crisis of a couple, but not! Priest Harry simply followed the traditional royal etiquette.

The Queen rarely holds her husband in public with her hand. He thus seems to have set an unprecedented precedent for other members of the royal family – says Robin Kermode, body language expert

Meghan Markle and the Rules of the Royal Family

Meghan Markle had joined the Royal Family since # She had to assimilate a list of rules that apply it. One of the points is public showing affection to the husband. The royal label expert confessed a few years ago that there was no official ban to publicly manifest the sensibilities of members of the royal family. However, in general, royal marriages are serious in showing emotions.

Does Meghan forget about stress?


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