Prince William is almost 2 feet tall! And the other members of the royal family? You may be surprised


The royal family arouses the interest of people from all over the world. Each output, each new image, each speech is commented by millions of people. The lucky ones who had the opportunity to see the living monarchy were probably a bit surprised. The reason? Some members of the royal family can boast of a remarkable elevation

How big are the members of the royal family?

According to the images and recordings, it's easy to see that William is the highest in the family. It is 193 cm high! All indications are that the Cambridge priest was looking for a high-ranking partner because Kate Middleton is 179 cm tall. Remember that the priest usually has pins on his feet. In high heels, he is not much taller than his wife.

Prince Harry is 185 cm tall. More or less the same thing is measured by the priest Philip. Meghan Markle measures 173 cm

.The queen is the lowest of the royal family. El & # 39; bieta II measures only 164 cm. However, it is precisely to her that you all turn to "Your Highness" and that is her lowest inclination. In addition, the hats loved by the queen add a few centimeters.

Did you expect that? I wonder how much the comfort of a prince will be high. Some already see the visual similarity of little George with Prince William and Princess Charlotte with Queen Elizabeth. I wonder if this will also translate into growth.

Father Louis has already been baptized. Princess Kate delighted with stylization as usual


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