Princess Kate was crying before Meghan's wedding. His sister-in-law provoked it?


Meghan Merkle joined the royal family in May of this year. However, before standing on the carpet, she had to face a serious tension between herself and Prince William's wife. As reported famous journalist Camilla Tominey, Dailymail, the event took place the week before the wedding, at the ceremony of preparation of the bridesmaid dress and Princess Charlotte. Kate so moved the sight of her daughter dressed in a fabulous dress that she started crying. According to the journalist, the crying also appeared because the duchess did not regain her emotional balance after the birth of her son Louis. However, these are not the only tears of this day.

Kate was also supposed to speak to the bride herself, a clearly moved argument with Elżbieta II, who split the wedding tiara. Kate and Meghan leave for the party and a serious quarrel would occur, after which William's wife burst into tears again. What happened? This source does not betray. It is certain, however, that the event generated little bitterness, as newspapers and informants from the royal environment point out that the two ladies did not receive much sympathy from the moment they met.

The duchesses, who are now under the microscope of journalists, do not let us know that something is wrong. Immediately after revealing the scandal, Kate was questioned about Princess Sussex's pregnancy. She stressed that she was excited and very happy – he will be a great cousin of George, Charlotte and Louis. It will be really special – she said. Despite good words, it's hard to hide the unpleasant situation, especially since Meghan and Harry decided to leave Kensington Palace. It is supposed that the reason is nothing but the mutual disgust of the two women.

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Author: MŁ, DailyMail

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