PRL judge Andrzej Kryże defends himself that he did not defend during martial law


Andrzej Kryże was Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice in the PiS government. At the time of the Polish People's Republic, he was a judge. That he then condemned the opponents – including Andrzej Czuma and Bronisław Komorowski are not a secret and the name of Kryza was often drawn when criticizing the rule of law and justice. Like the PRL prosecutor Stanisław Piotrowicz (formerly PZPR, today PIS), he became a symbol of the people of the old system who became supporters of Jarosław Kaczyński. And their past does not bother anyone in the PiS …

Perhaps for this reason, Andrzej Kryże appeared in Republika Television, where he tried to whitewash his past in the W point program. – I declare that during the martial law I did not think of anything that would be related to the cause of the dissenters – he announced that he would add that he was opposed to the Opposition, yes, but in 1979.

– The fact is that most of my people environment, friends, family understand that he could not make another judgment in the current and legal state that existed at that time, I'm talking about 79 years old. Because the judge can not rule against the facts and against the law – said Kryże. – I was a member of the PZPR a few years after the arrival of Gierek. It was the time when his coming to power was a new opening. We thought something would change after this period of Gomułka – he added.

The journalist reminds Kryza that his father "issued convictions for soldiers of the underground independence". – We were supposed to talk about me, not my father – he cut Krys.

Interview with Kryza he outraged, among others Beata Czuma, daughter of the famous opponent Andrzej Czuma. "Andrzej Kryże sentenced my father, Andrzej Czuma, Bronisław Komorowski and Wojciech Ziembiński to the prison for organizing the party on November 11, 1979. My father was beaten by the SB at that time and we will probably find out that they were sentenced "- she wrote.

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