Problem with statistical data. Not only does CSO give unrealistic data about the economy


  Official data on egg prices often differ considerably from market prices

Official data on egg prices often differ significantly from market rates.

Egg producers complain not only of the CSO but also of the Ministry of Agriculture. Integrated system of information on agricultural markets. Monday, "Puls Biznesu" wrote that many industries blame the Central Statistical Office for inaccurate or unrealistic data on the volume of production or the level of prices or profits. . A similar problem arises with the Integrated Agricultural Market Information System

The USSR's mission is to provide up-to-date information on the prices of agricultural and food products for the needs of market participants. agricultural administration and other beneficiaries. Prices are: buy, buy, sell, stock market, market, wholesale, producer and importer.

Video: Do ​​you think you win too little? Mariusz Szymyślik, director of the Polish Chamber of Poultry and Poultry Producers, says "Puls Biznesu" that sometimes the difference between the actual market price of eggs and that given by the USSR is 40 percent. Szymyślik

A KIPDiP representative pointed out that the USSR is the only official system informing egg prices in Poland, which is also detrimental to the market. Example? During the fipronil scandal, egg market prices rose sharply, but USSR data indicated that prices were falling. Szymyślik explains that the retail chains in this situation considered that the producers were deceiving them.

Overloaded data on the prices of building materials, but the underestimation of egg consumption. In addition, data on average compensation, which relate to a fairly small group of employees. Several industries demand that CSOs make real methods of economic statistics

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