Prof. Maria Dzielska – historian, classical philologist, translator of source texts


Prof. Maria Dzielska, esteemed historian, classical philologist, translator of source texts. Information about his death was provided by the press spokesperson of Jagiellonian University Adrian Ochalik. She was 75 years old

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Maria Dzielska was born on September 18, 1942 in Krakow. She was a historian, a classical philologist and a translator of source texts. For many years, she taught at the Jagiellonian University. Specialized in the history of Rome at the end of the late period and early Byzantine period. Graduate of historical studies at the Jagiellonian University and of studies in classical philology at the University of Lodz.

She received the title of doctor in 1972, she completed her habilitation in 1984 and from 1996 she was a full professor.

Prof. Dzielska was one of the contemporary Polish historians most frequently translated and translated into foreign languages. She translated into Polish the works of Pseudo-Denys the Areopagite. His book "Hypatia z Alexandryrii" (Krakow 1993) was published in the United States in 1995 by Harvard University Press, translated into eight languages ​​and recognized as the best academic book of the year 1995 in the category Philosophy by "Choice Magazine ". The same year, the American History Book Club recognizes it as the best historical book of the year. In English, another Dzielska book, Apollonius of Tiana, has also been published. Legend and reality "(Kraków 1983), also translated into Greek.

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Prof. Dzielska was known as a popularizer of knowledge about classical culture and antiquity as part of television programs "Garden of Art", "Sins in Polish" or "Relevant Conversations".

In the 1980s, she participated in opposition activities alongside her husband Mirosław Dzielski, the founder of Polish Christian liberalism. She was also vice-chairman of the Social Committee for the Restoration of Krakow Monuments (2009), member of the Committee of Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vice-chair of the Committee of Classical Philology of Krakow. Polish Academy of Sciences, Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council of Podhalan.

Participation in scientific seminars under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczyński in Lucień. In April 2016, she was among the initiators of the creation of a committee for the construction of monuments of Smolensk and President Lech Kaczyński. PiS President Jaroslaw Kaczynski informed the committee's creation at that time. In 2010, she supported Andrzej Duda as a PiS candidate in the Krakow presidential election.


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