Prohibition to negotiate on Sunday. Trade


– We will ask for another amendment to the law on the ban on trade on Sunday, the store will not claim to be a coffee – said the president of the National Secretariat of Banks, Trade and Insurance solidarity, Alfred Bujara .

Bujara told the PAP that the union authorities "are receiving signals" that some franchise networks have devised another way to circumvent the ban on Sunday's transactions. –

– As before, the post offices were pretending, some will pretend to be cafes – admitted Bujara.

On Thursday, 29 November, the Sejm Social and Family Policy Committee will meet, during which the bill to amend the Trade Restriction Act on Sundays and holidays and certain other days will be read for the first time.

– I am going to ask for a change whereby the nature of the predominant activity will determine whether the indicated point of sale is a store or a cafe. Without this provision, some stores will soon begin to offer customers, in addition to their usual assortment, coffee from the coffee machine and, on this basis, they claim to be coffee shops and not commercial establishments, "said Bujara.

Source: PAP

Giant losses by non-trading Sunday. They counted it!

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Author: as above

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