Protests against the Senate and the Presidential Palace – Politics


Karczewski receives the voice of the opposition

After resuming the meeting at 1.10 The PO senators wanted to speak, but Marek Manowski of PiS filed a request for an immediate vote. This caused opposition and confusion in law and justice

Sam Marshal Stanisław Karczewski did not know how to deal with the proposal. Eventually, to the indignation of the opposition, he acknowledged that it was in accordance with the rules. They did not impress Senator Klich, who tried to prove that the marshal was breaking the rules. In response, Karczewski received Klich's voice and turned off the microphone.

Instant committee meeting

The meeting of the Committee on Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Petitions of the Senate lasted only 6 minutes (!). Most opposition senators did not even have time to appear because during the break, they went to see the protesters in front of the Senate.

Although Senator Grzegorz Napieralski requested a break, the request was not approved. The vote on the law was immediately followed and the committee recommended to the Senate to accept it. Soon the House will resume its deliberations.

Vote at 1.10

Marshal Stanisław Karczewski does not give up and wants to make changes to the law even tonight. He accuses the opposition of leading to a protracted debate.

Karczewski also informed that because of the amendments 1 Committee on Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Senate petitions will meet to consider them. It must be collected directly in the plenary of the Senate. Everything indicates that they will be immediately rejected because around 1.10 votes on the amendment of the law are expected

"Day when the creeping blow finally filled the surface"

After a few dozen of minutes, the discussion between the Deputy Minister of Justice Łukasz Piebiak and RPO Adam Bodnar ended

only the senators PO. The united right was represented only by Aleksander Bobko. Last year, he opposed the changes in the judicial system pushed by PiS. Today, he has changed his mind and thinks that the law prepared by PiS is needed to fight "obstruction" in the courts.

Senator Bogdan Klich of the OP declared in turn that Tuesday's debate "is the day the rampant coup d'état finally surfaced". – In this House, you have not been used to the fact that you have repeatedly violated the constitution in the Sejm and the Senate. No, we are not used to it. Whenever we protested and talked loudly, whenever public opinion spoke aloud, also the people who gathered today under the walls of the Senate to show their attachment to the values ​​that underlie tend the great movement of Solidarity – said Senator PO

Klich stressed that the greatest evil, the news, makes citizens who – in his opinion – are victims of "this politicization of the courts". – This court will be a political tribunal, it will be an instrument in the hands of politicians, because it will not guarantee an objective judgment – stresses Klich.

PO Barbara Zdrojewska evaluated changes in the justice system, "is a reform that is a complete distortion, which has completely failed." – There is a desperate attempt to save what, but we do not know what – she estimated.

Assembly under the dissolved Senate, but the protesters remain

Just before midnight, the organizers had to dissolve the congregation in front of the Senate, because the protest was reported only until 24th. Nevertheless, many protesters stayed behind, which the organizers themselves encouraged.

No questions to Bodnar. The PO senators left the room

The strange situation occurred just after the speech of the RPO. When Adam Bodnar finished speaking to a Senator Marek Martynowski of PiS, he filed a formal motion to go to the debate without asking the Ombudsman. This raised the opposition of the OP; Senate Vice President Bogdan Borusewicz said that "PiS once again closes the opposition of the mouth."

PO senators left the room at the time of the vote on Martynowski's request, thus breaking the quorum. The proposal collapsed, meaning that Bodnar would be able to answer the questions, but the PO senators were not in the room. It was used by Vice President Adam Bielan – because there was no one in the room who would like to ask a question, he ordered the transition to the debate.

Bodnar: adoption of court acts – subordination of the judiciary to politicians

– I am aware of the purpose of preparing and passing this bill. In my opinion, it would not have appeared if it was not for the resolution of the General Assembly of SN judges of June 28 and uniform, joint support of Supreme Court justices for Ms. I. President from the SN Małgorzata Gersdorf. And that would not have happened if it was not on 4 July, that is to say, the respect of the Polish society, which accommodated Mrs. SN, entered the building of the Supreme Court and benefited support from various international institutions – said Bodnar in the Senate. Bodnar: It is the duty of the Ombudsman to protest the violation of the Constitution

– It is the duty of the Ombudsman to protest when a constitutional violation may arise and therefore my presence here – said Adam Bodnar

Bodnar at the beginning of his speech he went directly to the Deputy Minister of Justice, Łukasz Piebiak, who appeared before him during his work in the Senate on a recent amendment of the law judicial

– I remember the minister's commitment to the independence of the judiciary in Hungary. The last time we met, it was the meeting of the Association of Polish Judges "Iustitia", probably organized on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of "Iustitia" in Suwałki, then the Minister strongly defended the various rules concerning the independence of the judiciary. since November 2015 and later, this opinion seems to be divergent, and it seems to me that our ideological problems have disappeared in this regard – said Bodnar.

An amendment more "technical than political"?

– This bill seems to be a very reasonable, more technical than political, that respects the functioning of the Supreme Court, the prosecutor's office, the ordinary courts – the Deputy Minister of Justice Łukasz Piebiak defended the Senate project during the discussion

The provisions of the amendment are inconsistent with the Constitution, stressed that "only the Constitutional Court can say that". At the same time, he expressed the belief that there should be no doubt as to the constitutionality of the provisions of the law.

Despite the determination of the PiS, the debate is prolonged

The debate on the bill will be closed at noon. 23. It seems that this will not be possible, although Senators PiS limited the time for the declaration from 10 to 5 minutes. Deputy Prime Minister Łukasz Piebiak is still answering the senator's questions and, after his speech, a speech by RPO Adam Bodnar and a time for discussion are planned.

String of light in front of the Senate. A letter from the president of Gersdorf was read

The protest against the Supreme Court continues in the Senate. At 21 A chain of light began, which became a symbol of protest.

In his speech, the first President of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf, was read to the demonstrators. "The changes introduced are aimed at the final takeover of the judiciary by the executive," wrote Gersdorf

. She also thanked all those who were very grateful. "I would like to thank all those who participated in the event Your attitude is important and respects not only my respect and all the judges, but everyone democratic," says the letter

"The first president is irremovable", answered the crowd

  The chain of light in front of Senate Senate

Łańcuch światła przed Senatem / Tomasz Gzell / Source: PAP

Who drafted the draft bill?

PO Senators Deputy Minister of Justice Łukasz Piebiak asked if the draft law was created in the Ministry of Justice The accusations that the project, formally treated as a deputy, was drafted by the officials of Zbigniew Ziobro, are repeated Piebiak Denies It

PiS Senators Reduce Speaking Time

Senator Marek Martynowski proposed that the proposals be tabled. the discussion leads to a shorter discussion of the bill. He asked "to close the list of speakers and to limit the speaking time to five minutes". The application goes through PiS. The discussion will be closed after the speech of the Deputy Minister of Justice Łukasz Piebiak, who answers Senators' questions

– The scandalous situation is repeated, in which we are denied the right to speak – comments Bogdan Borusewicz who made the demand against Martynowski. for Human Rights Defender's Statement

An acute dispute was triggered by the motion of Senator PO Bohdan Klich, who wanted the Senate to listen to ROP Adam Bodnar during the discussion. Speaking Senator PiS Maria Koc announced that a discussion by Bodnar is scheduled before the discussion

In response to Klich's speech, Senate Speaker Stanisław Karczewski said his formal candidacy was "incorrect" and considered that Senator PO "compromises his party". Senator Jan Rulewski (PO) reacts to Karczewski's words by chanting "Świr" – in reference to one of the speeches of the Speaker of the Senate, in which he called the protesters against the PiS. In response, Karczewski has asked Rulewski ironically: "Have you seen Senator Rulewski at this time?"

The Senate will not deal with Duda's proposal today.

Marshal Stanisław Karczewski said that Senators do not The referendum of the Constitutional referendum Tuesday, because the debate on judicial decisions is prolonged

According to previous information, the vote was to be held tonight or tomorrow morning. indications that the Senate will reject the application of Andrzej Duda

"I have no good news except that they are afraid of you." Before the protest of the Senate

– The Senate in this term has been reduced to the role of Senators are deprived of reflection, constitutional sensitivity and decency, to which they have referred in their oath – said prof. Constitutionalist. Marek Chamaj. He also recalled that many senators "helped me so much". – It is worth asking those who have taken God as a witness: where is your decency? Said the teacher Chamaj

– I do not have good news except that they are afraid of you. They were afraid of you and the fact that today there are only upheavals and tomorrow there will be more. They want to suppress hope in society. We will not let you go! – Senator PO Bogdan Klich told the protesters in front of the Senate seat

– Bad is not just the law on the Supreme Court. Judicial decisions introduce the supervision of the prosecutor on all matters. This is the return of the prosecutor's office of the PRL – pointed out Bogdan Borusewicz, senator of PO, former president of the Senate. He also pointed out that the debate time on court acts is not specified, which is why opposition senators ask a lot of insightful questions – we will come in from time to time, but we have to stay there for this discussion to last – said Borusewicz.

Demonstrators in front of the Senate brought mirrors with them and directed them to the police. In this way, they want to show that they do not accept the brutal treatment of police officers, as was the case during recent protests.

Meanwhile, senators discussed the first president of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf. Senator PiS, Jerzy Czerwiński, said about the "first retired president of the SN", and the opposition has rewritten these words. From the bench he fell: "She is not retired!" Czerwiński recalled the visit of Prof. Gersdorf to Karlsruhe. He also asked why the SN judges ruled whether the law was compatible with the Constitution. Senator Pociej replied that in the Constitutional Court there were "doubles", which is why it is impossible to properly assess compliance with the Basic Law.

Radio reporter TOK FM announced that the debate would last until 23:00, followed by a vote. Thus, senators will not be able to respond to the request of the president of a referendum today.

Marta Lempart, of the National Strike of Women, appealed to all citizens to be placed under the authority of the Senate. – The Senate calendar, as it used to be in the Sejm, was "adapted" to our protests. Today, the discussion on the introduction of the SN scandal law on the agenda, and today or tomorrow debate. Maybe even a vote! – Lempart pointed out

– PiS tries to push the reform, which is to deprive other institutions of independence. They have an aversion to everything that is independent. The lack of independent courts is the end of democracy. Without independent courts, spies will guarantee impunity – said Rafał Trzaskowski, mayoral candidate of Warsaw, during the rally in the Senate. It also predicts that law and justice will not stand in the courts and will make local self-governments and non-governmental organizations dependent on themselves in the future.

About 1800 people have already appeared at the Senate seat. The police lined up along the fence. According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the agents do not have an identity card

I came here for the same reason as last year. I am an opponent of what the current government is doing with the judiciary. I believe that we should be here and do something – said Sebastian Słowiński, one of the participants in the Senate protests in a conversation with Newsweek journalist Marcin Antosiewicz

Ms. Katarzyna from Warsaw spent four years abroad, but two months ago she decided to come back to protest against the changes in the Polish judicial system. – As the Polish People's Republic comes back to me, think Katarzyna

Debate in the Senate on the acts of the court

The second point of Tuesday's Senate debates was the acts of the court. Senator Martynowski of the Law and Justice Party tabled a motion to discuss these laws as a first, which sparked the enthusiasm of the ruling party senators. Bogdan Borusewicz, Senator PO, has tried to oppose this, because Senators have no material to work on in this matter. Bogdan Klich, in turn, asked that it does not deal with this law because it destroys the judicial system in Poland. PiS, however, voted the motion and surprised him with the court's actions.

After changes in the work schedule, the session was left by representatives of the Chancellery of the Senate and Presidential Minister Paweł Mucha. On the other hand, Adam Bodnar, civil rights mediator, came to the Senate

As reported by Gazeta Wyborcza's journalist, Agata Kondzińska, only fifteen PiS senators hear debate on the law.

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