Protests in Iraq spread, become deadly: at least 8 are dead, dozens have been wounded


The protests began in the port city of Basra, south of Iraq, and spread to different parts of the country.

At least 56 people were injured, seven of them seriously, Bader said at a press conference.

Of the eight dead, two were killed in Basra, two in Najaf, three in Al-Simawa and one in Karabala. A ministry health worker was killed in a protest-related car accident and an ambulance worker remains in critical condition, said Bader.

The Ministry of Electricity has taken steps to improve service in Basra, said the spokesman.

Heat, power problems add to the troubles

Angry protests against unemployment and the lack of basic services spread in the south of the country. Iraq since last week. From Basra, protests were exacerbated by problems such as stifling heat, power cuts, water quality and sanitation problems

L & # 39; Street spillover is prevalent in other provinces of the Shia country. in the south, like Dhi Qar, Najaf, Maysan and Babil. Demonstrations also took place in Baghdad, the national capital.

While some protests were largely peaceful, others included stone throwing, setting tires and buildings on fire, and blocking roads.

Hundreds of oil facilities, government buildings

facilities, political parties and government buildings. Internet breaks have been generalized with the exception of Erbil and other Kurdish areas in northern Iraq.

Violence raged on Friday, with clashes in Maysan province, where protesters stormed government offices in Amara. At least nine members of the security forces and 21 demonstrators were wounded, police said.

In the city of Nasiriya in the province of Dhi Qar, at least six civilians and 36 policemen were injured during the demonstrations. the main area of ​​Najaf airport and caused damage, said a member of Najaf City Council and a security officer. Other protesters stormed the government offices and set fire to the political party offices. At least five people were injured in Najaf, including two security guards

Some lose hope

Um Faten, an Amara woman whose son was injured during the protests, said, " Enough is enough. "

" We were fed up with the situation – our sons had no choice but to go out and protest, "said a woman in Amara." I want my children to live a life normal, but it seems like we are losing hope that things will get better here. "

Citizens have endured the broken infrastructure and bad economy since the beginning of the war in 2003. In the songs, say that They have had enough with the political parties.

Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani urged the authorities to take steps to deal with the complaints and also called for peaceful protests. [Url = http: //] Ayatollah is the spiritual leader of Shiite Iraqis

Prime Minister warns against "aggression"

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi met with political leaders and tribal leaders in Basra social media, Mr. Abadi said: "The government the government strives to provide services to citizens "and groups attempting to" attack state institutions and private property "will be pursued. [19659002"Theaggressionofthesecurityofthewafersisanattackonthecountryandthesovereignty"hewarned

After more violence on Sunday, Saad Maan, spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said the security forces were in a state of disrepair. alert. Security forces did not open fire on crowds or on demonstrations that took place Sunday across Iraq. This account was in conflict with previous reports that the police opened fire on the demonstrations.

CNN's Shelby Rose, Mohammed Tawfeeq and Johnny Hallam in Atlanta, and Jomana Karadsheh in Istanbul contributed to this report.

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