PSL-UED: A weekly magazine containing instructions on the recognition of a Jew is sold in the Sejm


In the Sejm, the weekly "Only Poland" is sold with the instruction "How to recognize a Jew"; We call on Sejm President Marek Kuchciński to explain how it is possible for this type of letter to be propagated in the Polish parliament, said Michał Kamiński (PSL-UED) on Wednesday.

At the press conference at the Sejm, Kamiński showed the weekly "Only Poland", which, as he said, can be bought in a newsstand located in a Sejm hotel. The cover shows the slogan "How to recognize a Jew". "Names, anthropological traits, expressions, appearances, character traits, methods of action, disinformation activities, how to win them?" It can not continue! "- writes.

"I consider it an absolute scandal that in the Polish Sejm (…) are sold such dirty letters as those that were removed from the Nazi newspapers," said Kaminski. He called on Sejm President Marek Kuchciński to explain "how it is possible" for such content to be distributed in parliament.

According to Kaminski, there should be no place in a European parliament for a letter that – in his opinion – has an "anti-Semitic character".

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