Punishment for the protest: Are there any reductions in quarterly bonuses for police officers? – Work and career – work, career, labor law, work abroad, recruitment


– We receive signals that some superiors at the level of city and county commanders will want to reduce, for example, quarterly bonuses – says the director of the union of police officers of Wielkopolska and vice president of national structures of the Podinsp. Andrzej Szary. Suggestions for a form of repression were to appear in the semi-formal conversations of the superiors with the police. – We will collect all information about this and if this fact is confirmed, we will ask the Minister of Home Affairs and Administration to intervene – says Gray.

On November 14, the NSZZ police chief in West Pomerania, Marian Boguszynski, appealed to the commander of Szczecin province, demanding that protesters not be harassed. According to DGP, it was assured that police on mass sick leave in the early days of November would have no commercial consequence. "I consider that a high evaluation of the work and the quality of the execution of my tasks constitutes the basic criterion for the awarding of discretionary prizes," the commander emphasized. He assured that he had given this position to commanders of all levels of Western Pomerania.

NSZZ Policiarz's main board of directors has discussed possible repressions. It refers to the provisions of the Trade Unions Act, which prohibit discrimination against activists. The trade unionists intend to oppose "the acts of superiors who have violated or intend to violate the aforementioned prohibition".

They also undertake to examine in detail all documented actions against police officers who may be related to their participation in the event. They "will also require legal consequences vis-à-vis superiors (…) who will punish their subordinates". – These are prophylactic actions, we wanted to warn our superiors that they would not use the situation that occurred two weeks ago, and they did not try to discredit the police. We stick to the words of the minister and the chief of police, who said that no one would be persecuted – explains Gray.

Spokesman of the Chief of Police, Insp. Mariusz Ciarka explains that each supervisor knows his subordinates and must reward their achievements and successes, taking into account above all the commitment made in the implementation of the tasks. – The reward, as the word indicates itself, should be considered as above-average performance, and it is not granted automatically – says DG Ciarka.

Andrzej Szary pointed out that if the supervisor could prove that the police officer had lower results and therefore received a lower price, nobody would dispute it.

– But if, for example, those who were on sick leave receive four times less than those who served at that time, it will be a clear sign that it is an attempt revenge of the superiors – he points out.

What would be the point of chicane? After several months of conflict, the Ministry of the Interior and Administration and the Uniformed Trade Unionists, just before November 11, signed an agreement. Because the officers could not protest, earlier to strengthen their position in the negotiations, they went to see the doctors and took sick leave. At the height of the demonstration – early November – there would have been more than 30,000 redundancies. officers.

Some have suggested that the exemptions be controlled, but the Minister of the Interior and Administration, Joachim Brudzinski, was questioned about the outbreak of canine flu, as the police said, but wanted everyone to recover quickly.

– I believe, perhaps naively, that no one irresponsibly rejected it, that it was also issued in accordance with the conscience and oath that the doctors have made. And that's such a scale? Well, sometimes it happens, "he said.

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