Radio Maryja student – Nasz Dziennik


This is already the 27th pilgrimage of the Radio Maryja family to Jasna Góra. For more than a quarter of a century Radio Maryja listeners went to Częstochowa Pani. How many times have your Excellencies participated in these exceptional meetings?

– I am the bishop of the 14th year and I will be the 15th time this year at the Radio Maryja pilgrimage. I have also done three times in the United States pilgrimages to Radio Maryja for Americans of Polish descent. The theme of this year's pilgrimage: "Poland with resurrected love" makes us reflect on how Radio Maryja has changed Poland during all these years and reminded us that any renewal – economic and political – begins with a revival spiritual.

– All social and financial crises are a consequence of the moral crisis. If we rebuild the spirit, if we take care of the promotion of spiritual values, we will deal with material difficulties. Let us mention here the pillars of the civilization of love: primacy of the person before the thing, primacy of ethics before technology – ethics in science, culture, economy, politics, media, primacy of "being" before "having" and primacy of love in justice. Only love gives life, builds and resurrects, hate kills only. As emphasized Benedykt XVI – the future must be unbearable, but to love, truth and beauty. All these values ​​have a source in God and lead to Him. It is in this spirit that we are educated by Radio Maryja, which provides information and training.

The greatest event for Radio Maryja during the whole period of its activity was perhaps the departure of John Paul II. The broadcasting station of Toruń faithfully keeps Saint's legacy

– Radio Maryja, Telewizja Trwam and "Nasz Dziennik" are firmly in line with the line that Saint. John Paul II. This is the great merit of Father Director dr. Tadeusz Rydzyk. Radio Maryja recalls the teaching of the Polish pope for over a quarter of a century in various programs and programs. It's the straight line from which the liberals of the liberal tendency have wanted to get us, even the so-called Catholic Left. I know what happened to Radio Maryja at the beginning of this century, when there was an increased campaign for this media, because we all had to defend it. Even among the defenders of the Radio, there were people who supported its existence, but in a modified form, more "open", which means politically correct. With a group of bishops, I pointed out that Radio Maryja must remain as it is – independent of its masters, inseparable from the world, dependent only on Revelation, the teaching of the Church and of his own conscience. This form of Radio Maryja managed to maintain

How to read this program of John Paul II for the Church and Poland today

– The message of the Pope is timeless and always current. St. John Paul II emphasized that the Polish nation has survived the divisions of Poland through the culture that has survived in the Church and the family. Today, through the attack on life, contraception and gender, the family is very vulnerable. These evil activities, which are promoted as modern and in fact destructive, strive to annihilate what God has created. Heritage of Saint. John Paul II must be adapted to the present moment, the shock of certain tendencies, even within Catholicism. Today, Saint. Pope John Paul II quotes various ideological orientations in our country that are hostile towards each other and at the same time refer to the same authority. So, a party that abuses the authority of the Pope, we must know who is lying and who has clear intentions. Today, new challenges await the Church. This requires all the knowledge of ghosts. Test everything – says Saint. Paul – do not turn off the Spirit. It must be combined with each other. Because if something gets too serious, you can get out of the right line.

Radio Maryja's mission is registered near Saint. To John Paul II, the concept of "new evangelization". The search for new forms of proclamation of Christ serves, among other things, to become young for him. This is perfectly understood by the father of the director, who bet on youth.

– The gospel is always the same, immutable, but the application to social conditions must take into account other social conditions, contemporary living environment, philosophical and theological tendencies. The new evangelism is the search for new ways to express the immutable principles so that they are accepted by the changing world. Today, the electronic media and the Internet offer new opportunities, but also challenges for all who preach the Good News. The new evangelism is new methods, but also the search for a new enthusiasm, which sometimes disappears. This uprising, this evangelical spirit is magnificently present in the service of Radio Maryja. We all feel, as well as the clergy and laity involved in Radio, that Jesus Christ would be present in the personal and social life of the Poles.

This evangelical zeal is one of the pillars of the Father's charism that can bring Christ and teachers.

– Always the father The director has brought me to the ability to say what is needed at the moment; even on pilgrimages or transmissions on Mondays, but also in individual conversations. They are still current in the light of the Gospel, referring to what is happening in Poland and in the world. The Father of the Director and all the Radio Maryja can retain in their message a large proportion between the negative and the positive. These are not just complaints or just applause. This objectivity is very valuable in the general situation of lowering the level of social dialogue. Your Excellency meets Radio Maryja on both sides – as a guest and as a listener. Which programs are particularly close to the bishop?

– The bishops spend a lot of time in cars, often go on the field, visit national events, listen only Radio Maryja – pray together with Radio Rosary, listen to catechesis, at noon at 3:00 pm we join the Rosary of the Divine Mercy, we listen to the voices of ordinary Poles who call from all over the country. It is extremely important that Radio has submitted people who can express themselves on the radio, share what they live, sometimes they are beautiful testimonies that leave a trace in the listeners.

Sometimes I listen to Radio at night, "Unfinished Conversations" Deepen our understanding of theological, philosophical and social issues. The great merit of the Director of the Father and Radio Maryja is to unmask the lies, the myths, the utopias that still work in the public space, and that did not end with the fall of the PRL. The devil is an intelligent being and he usually lies as a truth, giving them in a decorative setting.

Radio Maryja is above all a prayer radio. How does this prayer change the Poles and Poland?

– Many people are adjusting the whole day to the rhythm of prayer at Radio Maryja. That's what made my mother, who died in 2001. She listened to the radio from the beginning and participated in the daily prayer in Toruń. There are thousands of these people. I meet them during canonical and pastoral visits. The man is convinced of the great role of these media in the spiritual life of the Polish Church – Maryja Radio, TV Trwam, "Nasz Dziennik".

From prayer, action and our commitment to social life will grow. Radio Maryja has largely reminded Polish Catholics of the need to work for the common good.

– Yes, that's what the "unfinished conversations" serve. The radio informs and trains Poles to understand the social and political reality. He gives facts and provides the audience with tools for their interpretation in the light of the revelation of God. The Church can not withdraw from the formation of social life, she must remind her of the principles that flow from the Gospel. This sometimes arouses resistance, but anyone who speaks of "Church confusion in politics" does not understand what it means to testify of Christ.

Pope John Paul II for the Twenty-first Century: "Duc in Altum" – "Fucking in the depths", is witnessing and changing reality according to a deep faith accepted in his life

– A man who is baptized, confirmed, receives mission and he should implement these evangelical principles, where he goes – in the family, at work and in parliament. The Gospel is for everyone, it can not be closed in the sacristy or in an open-air museum, but it should be present in life and shape that life. We are missionaries of Jesus Christ sent to the world. Today, we must look for people, because often they will not come to the church themselves. Radio Maryja, Television Trwam, "Nasz Dziennik" are very present in the so-called work of the new evangelization. It's a gift for any church in Poland.

When we look at the transformation in Poland – in the context of St. Jana Pawła II, which we talked about – what can we be proud of, and what is it still missing?

– In 1991, when John Paul II came to Poland, people were worried about being able to admire freedom, which happened. But the Pope knew that building a new Poland would be neither simple nor easy. That is why he taught at different stages of the pilgrimage the fundamental theme of God's commandments and proved that it is the decalogue that must build a democratic, united, just and Catholic Poland. This Pope's Option Must Still Break Into Social Consciousness

The Holy Father was a great advocate of the civilization of life, he proclaimed the need for respect for every human being since conception

– Doing an Abortion it's killing a human being. I still find it difficult to understand that in Poland, heavy penalties are imposed on minor things and, in light of the law, it is allowed to kill unarmed children suspected of being sick. We still have to go back to Saint teaching. John Paul II, who is recorded in exhortations and encyclicals. Thanks to Radio Maryja, we can hear this voice of the Pope, he is still very up to date.

How important is it that Notre Dame became Patroness of Radio?

– This is also a continuation of St. John Paul II, who was Marian from the beginning of his pontificate, showed the way to the Marian Church. Some have criticized him for coming from a country where such "old-fashioned practices" were cultivated and "conservative" theology prevailed, but time has shown that this path is right. The Toruń Station has special merits in deepening and strengthening Marian devotion in the Nation, thus referring to our great spiritual fathers, such as Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Cardinal August Hlond and later John Paul II. Recently, also Thanks to Radio Maryja, Telewizja Trwam and "Nasz Dziennik", the faithful in Poland discover the history of the apparitions of Our Lady of Gietrzwałd.

We have experienced another great wave of emigration for more than a decade. Radio Maryja has always been a real treasure for our compatriots abroad

– From my meetings with Polonia, especially American, it appears that for her, Radio Maryja is a kind of link with the Motherland, with the Motherland and the nation. Polonia has a healthy patriotism, which expresses itself in the love of the homeland and the respect of other nations. Radio Maryja teaches this kind of patriotism – by opening it to others, he shows how to cultivate his culture, his saints, his national heroes. Polish is more popular in emigration.

Thank you for the conversation.

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