Radio Maryja's family on the way. Pilgrimages to Jasna Góra


On Saturday, the Radio Maryja family began a two-day pilgrimage to Jasna Góra. His slogan for this year is "Poland with resurrected love". The broadcast of the event is provided by Radio Maryja and Telewizja Trwam

The members of the Radio Maryja family open the pilgrimage season in Poland

Their 27th pilgrimage to Jasna Góra began the concert of 39 Victoria Orchestra. After 18.00 pilgrims during Holy Mass. he has blessed Bishop Bishop. Antoni Pacyfik Dydycza. – The world waits, and Poland too, that on every land one could hear that merry call "I met a man" – he said during his homily. Pilgrimage Father Tadeusz Rydzyk invites you to participate in the pilgrimage. – On site, you can buy a good book, download free documents or make a sacrifice. In these smaller tents there will be piggy banks for a symbolic rose for the Mother of God, ie the victim on her radio – Radio Maryja – says the director of the station

The main point of the pilgrimage will be the Sunday Mass. at 11:00. which will be chaired by p. Cardinal. Zenon Grocholewski of the Vatican. The pilgrimage will end with the Rosary of Divine Mercy. This year, it takes place under the slogan "Poland is a resurrected love", in reference to the hundredth anniversary of the reconquest of independence.

See also: Gryglas in the program "Tłit": this is only the beginning of the reform of justice


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