Rafał snow storm ± still not ¿znalaz³ new club. However, will be in the league? M | 2018


Snowstorm in season ubieg³ym Lotto Ekstraklasa was one of the best players Gornik Zabrze. In 36 league games and two goals from the zaliczy³ up to 16 assists. help Popisa³ ± a championship also ¶wiata in Russia, which zagra³ in the last match of the group stage win in Japan with a representation of the ± polonaise (1: 0). Then his AND on GOAL Jan Bednarek

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built snow storm of good performance in the last season, postanowi³ no longer expires ± przed³uea any more at the end of June an agreement with the minor, rejected the proposal of A large podwy¿ki and at the same time that their agents started looking ³ ± new club, with the emphasis on that he was a foreign club.

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to offer concrete foreign leagues, however, it did not seem by what situation of 25 years becomes more and more complicated. Większo¶æ Team Classif is already being prepared for the new seasons, and the snow storm still ± no employer. Therefore, he is from his stay in Poland. For several weeks we know that the player monitor situations ± heads of Lech Poznan and Legia Warsaw. Especially for the Polish champions móg³by a perfect transfer, due to play in the new 3-5-2 formation. In this context, the representative four times of the Polish móg³by play wahad³owego left.

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