Rafalska: The next edition of the "Maluch plus" program begins


The next edition of the "Maluch plus" program begins, for which 450 million PLN were allocated in 2019 – said Elbieta Rafalska, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, on Wednesday to Tomaszów Mazowiecki.

The minister explained that the co-financing of local governments wishing to create new places of care would change. These are municipalities that do not have clubs and nurseries for children. There, the funding will increase from PLN 20 000 to PLN 30 000. In turn, for local governments in which the Institute for the Protection of Young Children works, she explained, the amount of co-financing for the creation of a new place will increase by 20,000. PLN 22,000 zł.

"I want to reassure those who say we want to make Poland as a whole." Still more than 60% of the municipalities do not have an institution to look after the youngest parents, but we want to give them the choice "- stressed the minister.

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