Rain threatening and storms also at night. warnings


The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management issued first-degree meteorological warnings before heavy rainfall with storms.

The IMGW predicts that bad weather could persist until Sunday morning

Heavy rains with storms

IMGW warn against this phenomenon in the following provinces: Kujawsko -Pomorskie and Pomeranian . In all counties, during the validity period of the warning, that is to say until 3 pm on Thursday, it can fall from 30 to 50 liters of water per day. square meter

. 19659004] In the region of Zachodniopomorskie IMGW provides rainfall with periods of moderate and severe intensity. Places can drop from 30 to 40 l / m². During precipitation, storms with gusts of up to 70 km / h are not possible. The warning applies until 14 pm Thursday.

Storms with hail

IMGW warns four southern voivodeships before hail: śląskie małopolskie świętokrzyskie and podkarpackie .

There should be storms with rainfall of 15-25 l / m2. Locally, it can fall to 40 l / m2. Discharges will be accompanied by wind speeds of up to 70 km / h. In possible hail places. The alerts are valid until 7 o'clock on Thursday

In all voivodeship poviats Mazowieckie and lubelskie can fall in places 10-20 l / sq m. rain, and locally up to 30 l / m². The wind will blow at speeds up to 65 km / h. In places, IMGW synoptics provide hail. The warnings are valid until 19 hours Thursday

In all the poviat voivodeships of Lower Silesia and opolskie during storms, places may fall from 15 to 30 l / m2. rain, and the wind can blow up to 75 km / h. In some places, IMGW synoptics do not exclude hailstorms. Alerts are valid until Thursday at 4 am

Thursday Rainy and Stormy

According to IMGW forecasts, stormy and rainy weather could remain on Poland Thursday and Thursday evening . First-level warnings can be issued for ten voivodeships

In voivodeships: Warmian-Mazurian and Podlasie Synoptics predict storms with precipitation from 5 to 15 L / m², locally reaching around 25 l / m². and wind with gusts up to 75 km / h. Hail may fall in places

In the following provinces: Mazowieckie and Lublin storms with rainfall ranging from 10 to 20 l / m² may pass. and gusts of wind up to 70 km / h. Synoptics do not exclude hail

In the province of Pomerania in addition to thunderstorms, moderate to heavy rainfall may occur. Rainfall predicted from 15 to 25 l / m², in some localities 40 l / m². There will be storms with gusts of up to 70 km / h. Hail is available locally.

In the province Lubuskie IMGW predicts the occurrence of storms with rainfall of 5 l / m². up to 20 l / m², in some places even 35 l / m². and gusts of wind up to 65 km / h.

In the region West Pomeranian Voivodeship moderate rainfall may fall. Rainfall can range from 8 to 18 l / m² and locally up to 40 l / m². Storms accompanied by gusts of up to 70 km / h will also pass through

In the province Wielkopolskie precipitation of moderate and strong intensity may occur. It can fall 20-35 l / m2. the rain. Winds with gusts reaching up to 70 km / h are expected in some places

In the region precipitation of moderate and strong intensity may occur at Kujawsko-Pomorskie . The expected rainfall can range from 20 to 35 l / m². There will be some storms with gusts of wind up to 70 km / h.

In the province Łódź can fall from 5 to 20 l / m2. the rain. The wind will reach speeds of up to 65 km / h.

Alerts must be valid between 7:30 am and 7:30 am Friday

Same Friday with storms

Also Friday, IMGW Synoptics has scheduled the issuance of warnings against violent storms,

In the provinces Pomerania and Kujawsko-Pomorskie IMGW predicts thunderstorms with rainfall of 5 to 10 l / m², locally around 20 l / m². and gusts of wind reaching 65 km / h.

In voivodeships warmińsko-mazurskie storms and podlaski will bring precipitation from 5 to 15 l / m², and around 20 l / m². and gusts of wind up to 65 km / h. In some places, hailstones are also possible

Warnings must apply between 7:30 Friday and 7:30 Saturday

The storms will not be released Saturday

Saturday will also bring phenomena of storm. In voivodeships warmińsko-mazurskie and podlaskie IMGW provides for first-degree warnings related to the occurrence of storms with rainfall of 5 to 15 l / m², in places up to 20 l / m². and gusts of wind up to 60 km / h

The alerts must be valid between 7:30 on Saturday and 7:30 on Sunday

What does the warning of the first degree mean?

The warning of the first degree "provides conditions conducive to meteorological phenomena that can cause property damage and threatening health and life It is difficult and dangerous to carry out activities in conditions of d & # 39; Exposure to these factors Expect difficulties related to activities in the area of ​​threat, including delays caused by traffic jams during outdoor events or the opportunity to remind them, caution, need to track messages and the changing weather pattern. "

What is the indicative forecast of threats? on the occurrence of a dangerous weather phenomenon. If, during this period, the weather situation develops in the anticipated adverse direction, a weather warning will be issued. "

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