Rare coral and 'new species' found in Irish waters


  A Coral Garden

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Marine Institute

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A species of coral forms a colorful garden at 2000m from the sea. ;altitude

Rare corals were found in an offshore research mission off the west coast of Ireland

Scientists at the Marine Institute of Galway found a previously undocumented black coral in the waters Irish. Chief scientist, David O. Sullivan, said the study had helped to understand and protect Ireland's marine biodiversity.

The new species were caught. on a high definition remote control vehicle.

Corallium, which develops into large fans with a delicate porcelain-like skeleton, was seen twice during the SeaRover survey. The species of black coral captured on camera was different from the other species described so far and may prove to be an entirely new species.

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Maritime Institution

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Corallium has never been observed in Irish waters before, but he was spotted twice during the SeaRover campaign

"We made a few different discoveries and there were some species that had never been seen in Irish waters before," said Mr. O. Sullivan, of the Marine Institute.

"That is not to say that they have not been there since the beginning, but they have never been examined by an expert and they did not know what to say. they were actually.

"We were very excited to find that there was a species that does not seem to have been added to it." It was really nice to have experts on board who could see the different species in real time. "

"This type of research is important because it allows us to see what is happening in our oceans and the ecological requirements of the species."

The SeaRover study is the second of three expeditions planned jointly financed by the Irish Government and the European Union Maritime Fund and Fisheries.

The experts on board were all Institute, National Parks and Wildlife Service, National University of Ireland Galway and University of Plymouth

Mr. O. Sullivan said the team was delighted with their results, but that "hard work is starting now".

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