Record profits of Wirtualna Polska, and the president writes again a letter. surprising


"Achieving profitability in the television segment in the eyes of all, it was like removing velcro wool and bleating sheep, but that was also successful," wrote widerski in a letter to shareholders. This refers to a more important event here. WP TV in the fourth quarter began to make a living.

Iderswiderski emphasizes in his letter that WP has become the second online media of our market after Google, that publishers have managed to get the winner of the most cited publishing house in Poland and that the agency of advertising has again won the title of best of the country.

The comparison with sheep and velcro is not the only literary taste of the list of stocks. Iderswiderski, writing to the shareholders, admits that the records could have been even more so … time. This has hurt e-commerce revenues.

"Has everything gone as planned? With a budget? As always, not everything.This time the weather has faced unexpected resistance.The hot summer has surprised the weather forecast and the garment industry, which has meant slower growth for some of our customers – a loss of financial balance "- writes the president of WP Holding.

In keeping with the marine stylistics, widerski emphasizes that his ship intends to speed up again on the sea, called "Internet".

"Our commercial and medieval two-masted boat arrived at the end of the year in the far-off port of destination.We are where we said we would be.We have before us a big swan named Google.Behind us, from September to the end of the year, Facebook was slowing down, with which the duel will certainly take several more months, "he wrote.

As the company adds, it needs to make even greater use of the synergy effect, thanks to the complete combination of media and e-commerce. The new wind in the sails is to give newly acquired companies industries in which the WP has not been. This includes Extradom with a database of already ready home projects or selling new cars.




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