Report Reveals NASA's Obsolete Policy Risks Contamination for Earth and the Universe – RT US News


As humans go boldly where no one has been before, the guidelines on how to prevent contamination of these destinations with terrestrial microbes and vice versa do not respond to reality, according to a new report.

The report of the National Academies of Science shows that NASA's so-called global protection policies formed half a century ago need to be re-evaluated, particularly because of the samples and human missions to Mars ". The oceans of water under their icy surfaces, for example Jupiter's Europa Moon

creatively called the review and assessment of the planetary protection policy development process, the report adds that such microbes could present a risk to the health of the returning crew. as well as the public on Earth ", hinting that prolonged exposure to space conditions could see microbes mutating, wreaking havoc, and risking the health of billions of people.

Read more [19659005] View of the Earth from the International Space Station. © Roskosmos Press Service “/>

Russian scientists have already proved through an experiment called "Biorisk" that various microorganisms of the Earth could survive under the harsh conditions of the Earth. The space on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) was made from the Russian segment of the ISS in January 2005 and found 68 different organisms, including bacteria, insects, vertebrate animals and higher plants, used as test subjects

Another concern is that contamination may affect the evaluation of substances on other planets for the signs of the v ie, in other words, researchers may not be sure if a discovered bacterium originated from a planet, or if it fell with Team Earth. "Well-framed and executed planetary protection policies will play a crucial role in ensuring that space exploration efforts provide unambiguous answers to the possibility of life elsewhere in the solar system," he said. said Joseph Alexander, chairman of the committee. The authors of the report of the National Academies of Science say that while these policies have worked well over the last 50 years, times are changing: NASA is about to take off on more complex space missions than ever before. [19459010Unpatialfurnishmentsareavailablefromurlaluned"EuropeanofJupiterforresearchingworldlyandnewcontents"preparingtodisconnectMarsen2020

Professor of Aeronautics at Stanford and one of the main authors of the report, Scott Hubbard, told the scientific and technological publication The Verge that the need for updating policies is critical because the space agency intends to bring back samples to Earth. "NASA is undertaking much more complex scientific missions than in the past, and at the same time it has to operate with cost restrictions and time constraints," he said. "These missions raise all kinds of questions about possible contamination, both going there and bringing back samples."

The report's authors say that NASA needs more outside expert advice, such as microbiologists and geneticists, The report also states that NASA should develop a long-term plan, protocols and missions to ensure that regulations are prepared long in advance. "One of the problems we have noted is that these planetary protection requirements tend not to be developed before the mission is already started or under way", Hubbard said

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