Researcher wants to clear up the clouds to save the Great Barrier Reef


The seawater would be pumped through a filter and sprayed by small nozzles that would produce tiny droplets of water.

  Oceanographer Daniel Harrison researches whether the clouds on the Great Barrier Reef could be cleared to divert the sun's rays. curbing rising sea temperatures.

Oceanographer Daniel Harrison investigates whether clouds over the Great Barrier Reef could be "cleared up" to divert sunlight and help curbing rising sea temperatures.

Photo: Delivered

A fan would propel the droplets into the atmosphere. The water would evaporate, leaving behind a tiny particle of salt to which other water droplets would condense, lightening the existing clouds

in addition to water. shading the reef, the clouds would also deflect solar radiation, potentially reducing the surface water temperature Celsius

"This droplet creates an aerosol particle that then grows 15 million times in a cloud droplet, "said Dr. Harrison, a researcher at the University of Sydney.

Coral discoloration due to a combination of higher temperatures He said the units should work for weeks or months when the coral is most likely to fade. The research is at an early stage and has not been tested yet.

Dr. Harrison stated that impending paternity had given a new impetus to his work

"My first child must arrive Tuesday … I really hope the reef will be" [Losing the reef] n 39 is not something that will happen in future generations, it is now in this generation if we do not act now. It's really scary. "

The project is part of the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program, led by the Australian Institute of Ocean Sciences, which brings together experts to create new targeted measures to preserve and restore the The program director, David Mead, said that if aggressive action on climate change was crucial, scientists would ask "what else can we do?"

"We try as wide as possible to evaluate what other options.

  Two massive coral bleaching events in recent years have made the reef rescue task more urgent.

Two massive coral bleaching events in recent years have made the task difficult.


One option studied is to disperse a microscopic film on the surface of the water to prevent light photons from reaching the coral, which reduces the risk of bleaching. [19659008] Other research involves collecting resistant corals that survive a bleaching episode and using them to repopulate other reefs.

Although the risk to the reef is urgent, it will take time to develop and test advanced technologies. The last thing you want to do is take action where the cure is worse than the symptom, "said Mr. Mead.

As the condition of the reef deteriorates, there is pressure to develop local and regional interventions. Damien Burrows, Facilitator of the Symposium on Restoring the Great Barrier Reef, said the community should also be consulted to determine which areas of the reef should be prioritized for restoration

. Indigenous peoples, tourism and fishing industries and other recreational users may estimate the reef for different reasons and must be balanced to decide on interventions, said Professor Burrows

Nicole Hasham is the correspondent for The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times and WAtoday

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