Researchers thirst for control of the coral killer


Researchers will gather in Cairns on Monday to share their ideas on the best way to control coral, the starfish that has seriously affected the Great Barrier Reef.

The Great Barrier Reef Restoration Symposium by researchers from a number of institutions, including CSIRO, the University of Queensland, James Cook University and the University of Authority of the Marine Park Great Barrier Reef.

The sea stars are armed with venomous spines. a plate and feed on hard corals, building blocks of coral reefs.

Starfish outbreaks were responsible for 42% of coral losses on the Great Barrier Reef between 1985 and 2012 and remain one of the major threats according to the Center for Research on the Great Barrier Reef. Reef and Tropical Forests (RRRC), the center's general manager, Sheriden Morris, says that advances in control strategies are promising.

"In the past, research" Since 2015, we have gradually implemented integrated pest management […] and brought what has been learned through successful pest control, "said Ms. Morris

. "Each COTS can consume up to six square meters of coral per year and the diving crews operating under the control program have already removed hundreds of thousands of COTS from key areas of the region." (19659008) Great Barrier Reef. "

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