Retirement in Poland – Where do you get the highest benefits?


1:43 p.m.

Wojciech Boratyński

Pension report amendment


Nearly 9 million pensioners live in Poland, which means that one in four Poles receives benefits. However, the report published the previous year shows the magnitude of the differences between retirees who receive money from the social security institution and even those who receive benefits from the Ministry of Social Security. Justice or National Defense.

In total, Poland has spent more than PLN 216 billion in pension and disability benefits in 2017. This means that the monthly payments for pensioners cost the budget 18 billion zlotys and nearly 5,700 euros per citizen. zlotys, or nearly 1,000 According to data from the Central Statistical Office, more than the average remuneration in Poland is in Poland.

sure Those who receive KRUS money count the lowest benefits. In this country, this type of "remuneration" averaged about 1,200 in 2017. Gross PLN. ZUS has already paid an average of approx. gold. However, it is nothing compared to the benefits paid by the ministries.

Statutory retiree or retiree raising money from the Justice Department could count on about 3.5 thousand gold. The Department of the Interior and Administration and the Department of National Defense receive slightly lower benefits after about 3.3 thousand. gold.

The pensioners of the ministries themselves overestimate the average – At the Ministry of Justice, the average retiree can count nearly 3.8 thousand each month. zlotys, to the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, about 3.6 thousand zlotys, and to the Ministry of National Defense to 3.5 thousand gold. This is a lot, if we consider that the average pension paid by the ZUS is about 2,000 euros. PLN, of which up to half the benefits did not exceed 1.8 thousand. gold.

However, it should be noted that Civil servants, or even ministers, can not rely on civil servants' allowances. Pensions and pensions of the Ministry of Justice are paid to prosecutors or judges. In the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, they are subordinated to the Uniform Services Department and the Ministry of Defense pays the soldiers.

In addition, it should be noted that the overall benefits of the department during the year amounted to about 16 billion zlotys, while in total they came from the Social Insurance Fund and Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, amounting to 200 billion zlotys.

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