Reuters: Credit Agricole does not consider selling Polish business?


  Crédit Agricole Bank, headquartered in Wroclaw. Fig. Andrzej Bogacz

Crédit Agricole Bank, headquartered in Wroclaw. Fig. Andrzej Bogacz / FORUM

"We do not plan to sell our bank in Poland," said the spokesperson of Crédit Agricole

quoting two anonymous informants, saying that the Credit Agricole was considering selling companies Polish. ] According to the agency, Crédit Agricole is also considering an option to increase its presence on the Polish market, because – as previous unofficial information shows – it wants to acquire Eurobank, which is owned by Société Générale.

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Credit Agricole Bank Polska SA – a universal bank offering everyday banking services (personal account and credit cards), savings and credit, in cooperation with d & # 39; other Crédit Agricole Group companies in Poland – also in the areas of leasing, investment, bancassurance and bancassistance.

The activity is conducted in four business sectors: retail banking (including consumer loans), bank for small and medium enterprises, bank for farmers and services business banking. Credit Agricole Bank Polska has an extensive network of branches and partner outlets throughout Poland and is headquartered in Wrocław. The President is Piotr Kwiatkowski

In 1991, Świętokrzyski SA Bank was established, which operated initially in Kielce and the surrounding area. A year later, Lukas (led by Mariusz Łukasiewicz) founded a department for the sale of payments in Wroclaw. In 1998, Lukas took over Bank Świętokrzyski, which changed its name to Lukas Bank Świętokrzyski S.A. In 1999, the telephone banking center of Lukas Bank SA (Lukaslinia) was launched. In 2000, the Lukas e-Bank service was launched allowing access to the account via the Internet.

In 2001, the French financial group Crédit Agricole acquired 75% of the shares of Lukas SA This year, another name change took place – at Lukas Bank SA, as well as the transfer of the headquarters of Kielce to Wrocław . Crédit Agricole Polska's projects provided for the development of the core businesses of the group's companies. The first mobile bank in Poland – Lukasmobil was launched in 2006.

In 2007, the number of credit cards issued by Lukas Bank was one million. At the end of the year, the bank had 331 bank branches and credit centers

. In 2008, the first fully franchised credit center was launched. A loyalty program has begun to operate, in which customers receive a refund of a portion of the amount spent to purchase FUROR cards. At the end of 2008, the bank had 229 bank branches and 154 credit centers

On September 24, 2011, the name of the bank was renamed Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. as part of the claim to the Crédit Agricole Group.

In January 2013, the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority agreed to merge Credit Agricole Bank Polska SA with the branch of Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank SA in Poland. In this way, Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. has become a universal bank, serving private customers, the small and medium-sized business sector, the agricultural sector and corporate clients.

At the end of April 2016, the bank launched its CA24 Mobile mobile application for individuals. In July 2017, a chatbot called KrEdytka was launched, available on the Facebook Messenger platform. In August 2017, the term of office of Romuald Szeliga expired as chairman of the board of directors of the bank, which was replaced by Piotr Kwiatkowski in October of the same year, with the agreement of the Financial Supervisory Authority Polish (19659006). total customers – $ 2.1 million

By the end of 2017, the bank had 397 own branches, 48 ​​partner branches and 289 CA Express credit bureaus. (Wiki)

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