Revolution in Media Expert. Customers may be surprised


Starting the rebranding process before Christmas would be a surprise. Media Expert is a leader in the electronics / appliance industry with 460 stores in nearly 380 cities in Poland. The brand is one of the most recognizable of the country, among others, thanks to intensive advertising campaigns and the slogan "we include low prices". What are the reasons for the planned changes? This is not known

We received only the laconic response from the company spokesman that the network "will communicate the details on December 1".

What can Media Expert count on? As part of this change, companies can revolutionize the image, correct the name, logo or other marks. It's a revolution that – according to – Media Expert will also pass.

The last major change of image on the Polish market was absorbed in September of this year. Brand BZWBK, which has been replaced by the Spanish financial group Santander.

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