Robert Biedron arrived in Zamość [zdjęcia, wideo]


Robert Biedron is the founder of the Campaign Against Homophobia, in 2001-2009, according to Robert Biedroń, president of Słupsk, former LGBT activist and member of the Sejm. the first president of this organization, and in the years 2011-2014 a member of the Sejm of the 7th term. He is the President of Słupsk since 2014.

A meeting with Robert Biedron took place this afternoon at the Center for Tourist and Historical Information of ul. Łukasinskiego 2nd. Among others, they attended Diana Sawicka – president of the association "Zamość – Nasz Wspólny Dom" organizing the meeting, and Jerzy Nizioł – vice president of Zamość Town Hall

Robert Biedroń spoke about his difficult childhood, the book titled "Turn on Democracy" and the current political situation in the country. He criticized both the politics of law and justice and the civic platform. – C is 2018. Poland deserves something more than Grzegorz Schetyna – said Robert Biedron. The question was asked: who to vote for? – For us, for society! – answered Biedron. However, he did not reveal his political plans.

Photos of the meeting can be seen in our gallery. Below we also publish complete videos of our live broadcast.

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