Robert Biedroń resigned from the councilor's mandate


Robert Biedroń resigned on Tuesday from Slupsk's council seat. He submitted his resignation in writing to the Commissioner of Elections and Beata Chrzanowska, President of the City Council.

"I confirm." Robert Biedroń today handed over to the Commissioner of Elections a written resignation from his mandate. To my knowledge, in his letter, Robert Biedron has no opinion on the reasons for his resignation from the mandate, "said PAP Chrzanowska on Tuesday.

She stressed that "Robert Biedroń is no longer an adviser".

She added that the electoral commissioner will decide in the near future who will take the mandate from Biedron. "There are two people who have the same number of votes, so this issue must be resolved by the electoral commissioner" – said Chrzanowska.

In her opinion, the Commissioner "will settle the matter within seven days". She noted that "at least during this period, we will not have a counselor, the more the candidate for appointment to the position of adviser must take oath and the next session tomorrow, so this will not happen certainly not".

During the previous mandate, Robert Biedroń was president of Słupsk. In this year's local elections, he did not ask to be re-elected. In collaboration with Krystyna Danilecka-Wojewódzka, her alternate for the 2014-2018 term, she founded the election committee and she was a candidate for the position.

Danilecka-Wojewódzka won the first round of the election and Robert Biedroń won the mandate of adviser. Most voters voted for him. He received 2781 votes and added 8 councilors to the council, creating a council of councilors: "This connects us to Słupsk." Before the local elections, Biedroń had announced that he would create a political movement and that his name would be announced in February 2019 in Warsaw.

Robert Biedron could not contact PAP before sending this message.

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