Robert Lewandowski asks for more support from Bayern Munich authorities


The confusion around Robert Lewandowski does not stop. The captain of the Polish national team has been put in touch with the transfer to Real Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain or another European giant for a few months, but (for the moment?) Nothing is happening. come. The authorities of Bayern Munich have always denied any rumor about the sale of a sniper for nearly 30 years, but have not used key matches in the colors of the champion of Germany or the failures of Poland.

Wednesday in the German weekly Sport BILD "An article appeared in which we read that Lewandowski has grudges against the heads of Bayern Munich.It believes that the club has not defended it in recent months before harsh media criticism.We expect the Pole to meet the leaders of the Munich giant and expect to get a clear comment on the value he brings to the team. " BILD Sport ", Lewandowski is upset by the fact that in recent months, the authorities of the German champion have not publicly stressed his values ​​for the team and he can not imagine starting training with the team If there is no conversation with the team managers, vacations due to participation in the world championships.To work with Bayern Munich should return on Wednesday, July 25th. everything should be clear.

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