Roksana Węgiel hid it for a long time. He will remember all his life


Roksana Coal
Roksana Coal

Jasło, 2018. Roksana Węgiel, who is waiting for her mother after finishing the lesson, receives a call from the director. He learns that he will go to represent Poland in the fall of Eurovision Junior. In town and in the Roxie family, there is an explosion of joy. However, about what happened a few minutes ago, no one knew before or knew only the closest to the young singer.

Roksana In 2013, she started working with Jasło Cultural Center. In 2014, she participated in the musical talent project "Fours", for which she recorded her version of the song "I believe in you, Lord". In the fall of 2017, she participated in the first edition of TVP2 The Voice Kids. In turn, a year later, he dominated the Eurovision Junior.

The promising singer from Podkarpacie is only 14 years old. And she has already lived a story that she could summarize in a few hours of the monologue. The rising star of Polish music is not too effusive in itself, but it comprehensively answers journalists' questions.

It was not different at one of the last visits Roxie in Podkarpacie. In an interview with the journalist Nowiny24, Roksana Węgiel spoke about the beginning of her career as well as news about her. Answering, among others, the question of whether she expected the triumph of the Eurovision Song Contest. She honestly admitted that no one was expecting it.

It was still more interesting. The local journalist asked a good question to Roxanie. It concerned how she had learned to travel to Belarus to perform at Junior Eurovision. A smile appeared on Roxie's face.

Roksana Węgiel hid her for a very long time

Because, as Roksana Węgiel reports, it happened at the least expected moment. That is just before she gets into her mother's car, that she had to, as every day, pick her up at school. "The manager called me," remembers the 14-year-old.

However, a moment ago, something happened that is hard to believe, even for the most ardent believers. "I was at school then.I waited for my mother after classes.I went to the store and I bought Tymbark.I unscrewed the cap and on his back it was written: "You will learn today." Five minutes later, the leader called me to announce that I would represent Poland at the Eurovision Song Contest ", said Roksana Węgiel in an interview for "Nowins".

True, it was an amazing coincidence. Or maybe a real sign? It is a fact that Roksana is practically talking about this unusual event. She did it once, just in conversation with the Podkarpackie portal. He was only later quoted by a gossip portal.

This may be due to the fact that she is very religious and that such signs are for her daily life? Well, it's good that the Tymbark nut has warned Roxie of the news coming sooner. It may have helped him avoid an even bigger shock!

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