Roman Giertych: A letter to Jarosław Kaczyński


Usually, my letters are ironic and sarcastic. This letter is very serious

Did you know that, with the consent of the prosecutor's office on June 19, two agents of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (under the guise of property controls) conducted an illegal interrogation of Stanisław Gawłowski, member of the Polish Parliament

Did you know that the officers of the ABC (we have their names and official numbers) made a de facto offer to Stanisław Gawłowski, to charge the main political party of the Opposition – Civic Platform, Current and Former Leaders in Exchange for Withdrawal from Detention

Did you know that the interrogation took place without informing the detainees without writing the minutes and without any connection to them? accusations against Mr Gawłowski?

Did you know that the ABC offer was rejected outrageously? Stanisław Gawłowski, and the consequence The intention of this refusal to cooperate with the ABC in the fight against the opposition was a request for extension of detention

I address my questions to the Lord, because I know first that you have followed in person and in detail all the important operations of the ABC. Secondly, during the interview with the last Lord, you became aware of the plans of MP Gawłowski and the Office of the Prosecutor, which his supporters did not even know.

Your party colleague, the Minister of the Interior and Administration Joachim Brudzinski will be questioned Monday at 10:00. during the hearing in the Gawłowski case at the National Prosecutor's Office in Szczecin. I ask you about these questions in public

Roman Giertych
defender Stanisław Gawłowski

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