Roman Paszke became a father after the & 60's. He talked about his son and late fatherhood


The history of Roman Paszka's life is of great interest in the media. A well-known sailor not only married a younger partner for 33 years, but also saw his son after completing "sixty years". It is not surprising that his talks are often about travel around the world, but especially about late fatherhood.

Roman Paszke, 67, late fatherhood

Recently, he gave an interview "Vivie!". During a conversation with Katarzyna Piątkowska, there was also talk of a three-year-old son, Eric. At the very beginning of the conversation, Roman Paszke spoke about how he could be the grandfather of a boy.

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"Today, a lady wrote on my facebook page that she congratulated me for my grandson, I wrote to him that I was thinking about my brother and that the correspondence was over. I think I still have my thirties. History knows those who were far away and became fathers. (…) me [miałem] only 63 [lata]. Fortunately, Eryk is not at this stage of life, to worry about the life problems we are talking about, "said Paszke.

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In the following interview, the traveler noticed that late fatherhood no longer arouses the feeling of late fatherhood a dozen years ago. The controversy is caused neither by a middle-aged father nor by a relationship with a much younger girl. Roman Paszke, however, found himself in a mess in the media when he married a younger partner for more than three decades, who worked in a company specializing in the equipment of ships in equipment. navigation.

"In fact, people are surprised, mainly Magda, that she decided to live with an older man, but that does not upset her as much as to suggest that her husband is going to do something. and everything she does, what she has accomplished and what she has learned, she owes it only to herself"- He admired his wife in" Vivy! ".

The conversation also focused on the eldest daughter of a sailor, Annie, 36 years old. Roman Paszke tried to exchange various differences between his fatherhood a few decades ago.

"When Ania was born, it was quite natural, I had a wife, I was young, and it was obvious that a child would be here soon. I spent much less time on Ania than Eric now. We really had a lot of worries for the communists. (…) It was also a time when children had a completely different approach. First of all, he worked more regularly in a public company. And the child … went to kindergarten. Now it's different. People want to spend time with children"- said Roman Paszke.

In the interview, the assurances that the son "made a big blow" in the life of a sailor are not lacking, and the late fatherhood makes him "look at everything from a different angle". Later, he was asked to sail and try again to circle the Earth against the wind. In the end, he confessed that he would like his son to become a footballer and not a sailor.

"There is more money there," Roman Paszke added with a dream. "No matter who he is, it's important that he be happy and realize his dreams. However, he is unlikely to be a sailor. He is only three years old and can already connect the emergency knot "- he congratulated his child.

source: "Viva!"

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