Ronaldo at Juventus? It's unlikely, but …


Although it's hard to talk about the "cucumber season" outside the window, the Spaniards and Italians – for obvious reasons – the biggest football tournament live a little less. Thus, instead of admiring the game of the Brazilians and the tactics of the Swedes, the favorite subject of the media has become … the alleged transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo to Juventus. Is, however, it is certainly only a fancy breath of summer?

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"It was wonderful to play Real Madrid" – said recently, just after winning the final of the Champions League, the Portuguese.

It may not have been a storm, it's really a big downpour. However, most of the discussions on Ronaldo 's evolution were interrupted by the belief that it was just another "contract game".

A game that, with the agent, Jorge Mendes, is played with royal authorities almost every season. Mileage? Everyone knows it by heart: one of the newspapers writes that Ronaldo is unhappy in Madrid that they want him PSG, Manchester United, China and half of Saudi Arabia, which he would gladly change. the environment, that he would try new challenges … The thread lasts a week, two, sometimes through the whole window, and ends with a joyous statement, a parish under a new contract and a few million of increases.

Happy football player, happy agent, media and fans too. Florentino Perez, who owns the club, probably a little less, but when a few months later, Real reaches the next Champions Cup, he is probably happy to make a good decision.

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The first such summer

Nasser al-Khelaïfi, Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and other billionaire owners are easy targets for the Spanish media: disgusting rich, misguided, ready to deposit any amount to meet your whims. While previous years Ronaldo was connected to their clubs, and the sum of the potential transfer was to reach 500 million euros, the solution seemed as unrealistic as it made sense to both parties.

This time they hit other tones.

First, "Tuttosport" then "March" reported that the Portuguese had reached an agreement with Juventus, and that the transfer amount should be about 100 ("Tuttosport") or 120 ("March") million euros. Why would Real be reconciled? "Out of respect for Ronaldo." Why would he want to transform Madrid into Turin? "In search of new challenges".

Proponents of the idea of ​​the answer look into … vanity Cristiano. It would be an unprecedented event if a competitor of this class "conquered" three major European leagues. As master of England, Spain and Italy, he could be treated with even more esteem by history, and new successes would reinforce his candidacy in the fight for the title of "best of history". Who loves who, but the Portuguese mind probably turns around the head.

There is one more argument: burnout. The third consecutive win in the Champions League is sure to entertain and enjoy, but it's hard not to resist the impression that it can also reduce motivation in the fight for the mythical "plus". Ronaldo in Madrid already has the status of legend, he realized everything with the club, now he may want to build monuments elsewhere.

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Financial Relief

Although 100 or 120 million dollars in the realities of today 's money are doubtful, Juventus has so far # 39; here successfully withstood the issuance of similar sums. They once suffered repeatedly pulling in the colors of Napoli Gonzalo Higuain "podebrali" for millions of 90.

Transfer transfer, but the Portuguese still has to pay regularly. And here is the biggest problem. Its expectations, expected to be in the range of 30 to 35 million euros per season, are four times greater than the sum of the transfers, which affect the current leader 's account (Higuain) over the year. . Fireplace salary? The GRES-2 powerhouse would not be ashamed.

This is also the answer: Juventus' cousin, John Elkann, who headed Fiat and the Exor investment group, had to personally involve himself in the case . This Exor would cover the Portuguese salary, hoping for a return on, among other things, the increase in the value of the brand on the stock market.

The question of the Old Lady's reaction remains: maybe they will adopt a new star with open arms, seeing in her transfer a chance for themselves too, and maybe that's a good thing. they will start demanding mass increases …

Small obstacles? Let's add one more. – I can not imagine how the team was going to work and I can not imagine how Ronaldo was going to work – Patryk Kubik, one of the greatest experts of Serie A in Poland, is surprised. – The attitude of Juventus is known: defensive, eleven players working in defense, great attachment to tactics … Ronaldo is in turn a type of "killer", depending on winning goals, which hail could not not necessarily count in Turin. Therefore, if this transfer took place, it would be one of the major paradoxes and one of the most interesting situations I've seen in the world of football – he argues.

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Will it end … as always?

The portal, which always carefully monitors the situation of the best royal footballer, draws attention to some discrepancies in the Spanish and Italian media. Some of them are convinced that the case is already "treated" and that only details remain to be found. Other: that 100 or 120 million, even if the PESEL Ronaldo starts with the number 85, is not enough for the third team of La Liga.

Everyone agrees: Cristiano is "offended" on Real, his relationship with Florentino Perez worsens week by week, and – exceptionally – they can not be improved even by a haughty increase.

"For the first time in nine years, the club is really ready to consider selling its star," SER announced.

And although it is much more serious than usual, it's hard not to resist the belief that the whole story will end as usual. That is to say: the highest contract of history, an extension of the end of career and a gold monument to the gates of Santiago Bernabeu – a little more facial than that of Madeira.

The saga continues, and we – standing next to us – only have to talk, are we participating more and more in attempts at calculation to increase the effort, there is there really something …


Expert Comments:

Mateusz Wojtylak (Editor-in-Chief of
The subject of Cristiano's departure, his dissatisfaction, his sadness, comes back as a boomerang on average every six months. In general, it was a game for a better contract, but this time, it may be something.

It is not in the interest of the club to get rid of the Portuguese, but many people are disappointed with his attitude and the fact that just after the final of the Champions League, he said what he said. Ronaldo, in turn, is disappointed that Florentino Pérez has not kept his promise and has not offered him a new contract. Cristiano feels distressed that Real does not show him due respect, but it says a lot about the fact that the Portuguese in Madrid is not able to achieve anything more, he feels satisfied and his cycle is over.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Many people who are close to the club say that it is another "dirty service" of Jorge Mendes. It is hard to say today if Cristiano will actually change the club and if it will be Juventus, but it is certainly closer to going than it was a year ago.

Michał Borkowski (expert of Italian football, co-author of the show "Curva Nord"):
The idea of ​​transferring Ronaldo to Juventus seems simply absurd. As one of the many rumors that Italian newspapers – especially "Tuttosport" – invent in the "cucumber season" to conquer sales. Over the years, even Messi has landed on the covers, which he was supposed to move to Inter, and more recently Robert Lewandowski.

Here the difference is that the subject was taken by the Spanish media, and "Tuttosport" did not make any news of the case, but the whole series – CR7 and its transfer to Turin are promised on three consecutive covers, and the Spanish media confirm that the subject really exists.

And although one wonders how much it is possible, the problem arises when looking at the salary budget. For the season, Cristiano Ronaldo would have won about 30 million euros, that is to say as much as Higuain, Dybala, Douglas Costa, Pjanić and Khedira. In addition, the amount of the redemption of Real Madrid … If such a move would be within reach of the richest clubs – for example, Manchester United – in the performance of Juventus sounds like wishful thinking. In terms of annual revenue, the Turin club ranks 10th in Europe behind Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal. The third place of the podium occupied by Barcelona loses up to 140 million euros.

The only example of madness that somehow gurgles this transfer is the purchase from Napoli Higuain for 90 million euros. Although … it can be said that it is a very risky and expensive idea for Juventus to jump into the "first league": both financial and marketing. The transfer of a football player of this caliber would ensure a large influx of supporters, especially among young people, and would also increase the marketing value of Juve and the value of the club's shares. These have greatly increased since the rumors about the transfer …


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