Ronaldo Rudovi on tests in Pogoń


January 17, 2019, 10:42:27 – bartekwr9
Ronaldo Rudovi on tests in Pogoń

Ronaldo Rudovi will train in the coming days with a Turkish training camp, Belek Pogon Szczecin.

Czarnogrod, 22, was the last player in the second division of native Otran (Ulcinj). In the fall, he will play 14 league games in which he will score two goals.

rdo: Pogo Szczecin

seba87 – January 17, 2019, 10:45:43 – *
It's not important that Ronaldo e …

pickaxe – January 17, 2019, 10:46:04 – *
oh, third Ronaldo

ya – January 17, 2019, 10:46:56 – *
Hmmm of the second Montenegrin league to the first Polish league ???
We raise the level of the league or lower it ???
How do you look?

zz – January 17, 2019, 10:47:06 – *
If he buys it, he will be obligatory on the name of the t-shirt instead of the name and number 7. The funds will be more than legia for LM groups groups

Kopacz – January 17, 2019, 10:47:33 – *
Rolando is Rolando! git

Realistic – January 17, 2019, 10:48:30 – *
Can people read? ON TESTS.

Borubar – January 17, 2019, 10:49:53 – *
The race will surely start and the bells will come to see Ronaldo come to Szczecin. As far as I know, chop has very good physical conditions, he turns and measures 196 cm. This can be useful in the team after leaving Walukiewicz in the summer. We will see if it will work in the camp and if it will be a challenge. Pki what to look at this player with a poisoning of the left eye, but I absolutely do not cry. It must be added that the player will come to Belek for his own money. He is probably determined and worthy of the sport. We are waiting for the results.

dino (L) – January 17, 2019, 10:54:27 – * .173.108.201
Borubar is your 3rd incarnation? I lost my pindols in these departures and returns.

Borubar – January 17, 2019, 11:05:05 – *
Dinu, break my mouth. He likes this portal and likes to give here, but let's not go back. See what is happening in our country in recent days. I am overwhelmed by what happened in Gdask and I honestly say that I am going to lose confidence in peace and security in Poland. We will learn to talk to each other and to adapt with all sorts of disgusts towards each other. For a moment, I would just like to say that each of us must respect each other here. Let's see if it's worth it "to go" only because someone who supports the club "x" and who is the club "y".
What happened last Sunday in Gdansk gave me a lot to think about and all the changes I made from myself. I do not intend to take part in a discussion in which we say that our points of view are only the good ones, and so on.
We are different and must have a respectful opinion of each member of the forum.

Grott – January 17, 2019, 11:08:47 – *
Radović's brother from Legia.

uncle danc – January 17, 2019, 11:15:05 – *
And what does he care about the black man?

ZIENIU – January 17, 2019, 11:17:23 – * .10.208.3
The 2 leagues of Montenegro simply do not believe … I … leaders and presidents – kill the Polish leagues and its already mediocre level!

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