ROP: The number of citizen complaints is at 20,000 –


On Friday, the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights presented information on respect for human rights and human rights and human rights in 2017. "I wish to point out that the Ombudsman is the most frequent recipient of complaints from citizens, in principle the new complaints have remained unchanged for years and remain at 20 000. These are systemic problems concerning problems which have existed for years, but also of new problems with current problems, "said Adam Bodnar, spokesperson for the Citizens Rights Committee. "In today's systemic realities, the role of the notary of wrongs and defenders of the human being becomes more and more complex, because it is a question of continually solving the dilemma of the principality and pragmatism. the question of how to protect the rights of citizens a state in which politicians and politicians seize new areas of public life and the subjectivity of citizens is reduced, and at the same time the number of complaints about the functioning public institutions remains similar, as in previous years, "said the Ombudsman.

As Bodnar reported, he sees the state's actions that serve people well. They support from a material and legal point of view the implementation of their civil rights. "I am thinking here of children's programs, legislative changes strengthening the position of employees or even some measures on the best perception of child support." As a spokesperson, I appreciate this direction of change, but I also notes various problems that still exist in Poland.

In his speech to the RPO, he spoke of legislative changes concerning the constitutional system. "The greatest concern is the non-compliance in practice with the constitutional principle of social dialogue and cooperation of the authorities, manifested, inter alia, by the lack of consultation on the draft of many important laws", did he declare. "In addition, the changes introduced in the functioning of ordinary courts, the National Council of Magistracy and the Supreme Court increase the influence of political factors on the functioning of the judiciary, thus weakening the system of protection of the rights of the judiciary. # 39; man. " According to him, the role of the Constitutional Court is also very limited. Bodnar also pointed out that "there are many limitations to our rights and freedoms of a personal and political nature". For example, he said, among others "violation of the right to organize the counter-demonstration."

He pointed out that the judgment of the Constitutional Court concerning financial benefits for carers of disabled adults was still not carried out. The judgment of the Constitutional Court of 2015 concerning the partial unconstitutionality of the provision authorizing the annulment of an administrative decision pronounced without violation of the law, without any time limit, is not executed [19659002] The spokesman said that an increase in crimes motivated by prejudice or hatred race, ethnicity or nationality and religion.

According to the ROP, a procedure should be introduced to reconcile the gender of transgender people, which would not require them to sue their parents. "There is still much to be done to respect the rights of homosexuals and same-sex people, but also to fight against homophobia," he added [19659002] The Ombudsman also drew attention to attention to the need to protect women's rights. "The year we celebrate the centennial of women's electoral rights, we must examine whether these rights are fully implemented – in the context of health protection, the effective implementation of the Family Planning Law. and abortion, domestic violence, balancing professional and private roles or perinatal care, "he said.He noted that he was pleased that the issue of perinatal care, the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, addresses his presentation

Bodnar also reported that several activities of his office concern the discrimination of the elderly in access to health care, various services and place of residence. the problem of exclusion of people living in small towns and in rural areas.As he said, human rights violations affect the weakest in Poland. In this context, he also stressed mental health and people living in rural areas affected by the consequences of various investments in energy, construction or industry.

Kazimierz Smoliński expressed his critical opinion on the activities of the ROP during the meetings of the representatives of clubs and deputies. PiS). According to him, the Ombudsman's report was politicized. Smoliński spoke about the number of cases that come to the office of the Commissioner for the Rights of Citizens and the decreasing number of interventions and advice from the Ombudsman. He calculated that in 2015, 27,000 were received by the APR. case, in 2016 – 24,000, while last year he was 22 years old. "If the problem worsens, why is the number of cases decreasing?" – He asked. He also mentioned the decrease in the number of cases of Polish citizens entering the Court of Justice. As reported, in 2015, there were 29 judgments and 20 offenses, a year later there were 26 judgments, including 19 violations, while in 2017 there were 20 cases and only 14 violations were found. According to Smolinski, these statistics show that there are fewer violations of civil rights and freedoms.

"It seemed to us that 21 years ago we were guaranteed civil rights, that they would be guaranteed to us forever and that no one would raise their hands." This happened differently "- said Michał Szczerba (PO) .It accuses the government of" stretches and fights with all independent institutions "and" appropriates the media, conducts a hideous propaganda, attracts people, sorts them, violates privacy, acts arbitrarily, introduces hate speech into the political language, affirms nationalists in the public space and brutally suppresses citizens and citizens. "" Dr. Adam Bodnar, as the ombudsman (…) is also the guardian of the constitution, when others deliberately give up this duty "- said Szczerba.The Assistant Deputy Minister pointed out that the RPO is an "independent copy" of the current power

Monika Rosa (Modern) felt that the work of the spokesperson and her office was "extremely reliable." She expressed her belief that thanks to Bodnar's efforts, it will be possible to build a Poland where disabled people can live in dignity. "But I believe that it will be possible to build a country where all citizens can feel safe (…) where the judgment of the Constitutional Court will be rendered regarding the services received by carers of persons with disabilities. Live and work properly – if that's possible, "she said. "I believe that we will live in a country where people from the LGBT community, gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual can feel safe, will be able to found families and these families will be protected by law. (…) I believe that we will live in the country where women are perceived as healthy beings who can make their decisions when anti-violence education is finally set up, when sex education is in school ( …) I believe that women will finally be able to make deliberate decisions and their will will be more important the will of doctors or pharmacists "- said Rosa.

"The fact that today we sat in the almost empty room (Sejm – PAP) on the right handed a testimony to these ruling coalition members. man "- said MP Jacek Protasiewicz on behalf of the PSL-UED Deputies' Club. He praised the actions of the RPA towards the poor. He said that there are too many people in Poland who can not use all civil rights through poverty.

On the other hand, Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus (liberal socialist) felt that the Commissioner for the Rights of Citizens was one of the last free institutions in Poland. And the opportunity to hear the report on its activities was "a celebration of democracy".

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