Russian coal will replace the raw material of the Polish market? –


Meanwhile, we wrote yesterday that from January to May, coal mines in Polish mines decreased by 1.11 million tons compared to the same period in 2017. Gold imports black exceeded 7 million tonnes. This raw material came from Russia

In 2008, Poland became a net importer of coal and, with a two-year break, it is still today. Russia is a natural sourcing partner because of the price of the raw material. Over the last decade, we imported more than 73 million tonnes of coal from the country – the lowest in 2015 (4.92 million tonnes), and the highest in 2011 (9.31 million tonnes) . The year 2011 was a record year in terms of foreign coal purchases – 15 million tons of this fuel arrived in Poland at that time. It is easy to count, this year may be another record of imports in general, including imports from Russia. Our dependence on this fuel is growing. A few years ago, Russian coal accounted for 60 percent. deliveries abroad. Today, it is already 73%

As we wrote recently, even the state of Węglokoks was given the green light for the import of coal from Russia, although this company has been exporting for years. But when there is nothing to sell, you must try to buy. However, most of the East coal is purchased through heaters and fuel depots. The fuel of these sites is characterized by a high quality: it has a low sulfur content, which is a very important parameter for thermal power plants, and in addition it is 20-25%. cheaper than domestic. In 1965, the Ministry of Energy spoke about the project of introduction of tariffs on Russian coal, but the subject collapsed because it became clear that it would not be approved by the European Commission or the WTO. Today, imports must be limited by the provisions of the law on fuel quality (today the Senate will take care of it). The point is that unsorted coal should not enter Poland. But this will not necessarily stop the Russian coal wave because our neighbors are already prepared for it. In addition, in Poland, mining will certainly not grow for the moment and demand is not decreasing. Somewhere you have to buy this coal. The heat generators indicate that during the next heating season, there will be at least 10%.

And if the direction of supply changes, we will pay more for heat, because the fuel of the other directions is simply more expensive. At present, steam coal prices in ARA ports (Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp) exceed $ 100. per tonne, and in Richards Bay, South Africa, up to $ 107. per ton.

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