Ryanair employees threaten to strike in four countries



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Employees of low-cost Ryanair companies plan to hold a strike soon in four countries: Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Italy – the representatives of the on-board carrier's staff informed. The date of the demonstration will be announced Thursday

  The strike of July 12 was announced by the Irish pilots Ryanair

The strike of July 12 was announced by the pilots of Ryanair Irish / AFP

The Organizers of the strike await the agreement of the Italian government. Antonio Escobar of the Spanish trade union SITCPLA

A few days ago, the strike of July 12 was announced by Irish Ryanair pilots. The Independent said that on that day, pilots working on the contracts will fly as planned, but those with direct contracts will be absent, which can lead to the collapse of many aircraft

. On Wednesday, 34 requests were made, including salary increases and the conclusion of employment contracts based on local law, not on Irish law. The list of postulates was approved by 80%.

Reuters writes that employees who want to keep anonymous make numerous complaints about their employer.

For example, they give a detailed presentation of the symptoms of the disease when they were on sick leave or required them to open bank accounts in Ireland to obtain a salary.

The Ryanair authorities have not yet commented on the strike threats. However, Reuters recalls that in the past the management of the line claimed that the working conditions in this company are competitive and wages higher than in the other lines.

Although he admitted that many employees are employed through external companies, he pointed out that many of them prefer him to direct employment. In May, Ryanair canceled more than 1,000 flights due to strikes by air traffic control personnel, which caused more than 200,000 travel problems. passengers

The source of information:   PAP

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