Ryanair's emergency landing at Frankfurt-Hahn. More than 30 passengers at the hospital


Ryanair's low-cost airline, with its 189 passengers, took off from Dublin to Croatian Croatia last night. During the flight, the pilot requested permission to land urgently at Frankfurt Hahn Airport. The reason was a sudden drop in pressure in the machine cabin. The crew released the oxygen masks and the pilot began the emergency descent to a safe height before landing

.33 wounded were transported to the hospital, where they were surrounded by medical care. "The passengers were complaining of headaches and ears," said the spokesman for the federal police this morning. – No one has been arrested any longer – provided that Frankfurt Airport.

The other passengers spent the night at the airport. Today, a replacement aircraft has been made available, most passengers have taken the opportunity to continue the flight.

The investigation into causes will take

What exactly happened in the plane is not yet known. "The experts must now explain it, and it can take time," said a spokesman for the federal police. Ryanair only said that the reason for the emergency landing was a sudden drop in pressure in the cabin of the aircraft. However, they did not comment on the details of the defect or the type of passenger health problems

This is another incident on board an Irish carrier.

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