Saleta worries about the health of her daughter. The young man of 24 years needs another transplant urgently


Unfortunately, the disease affects anyone, regardless of status, portfolio content or place of residence. It is good to know, Przemysław Saleta, how difficult it is to live with the awareness of having a sick child. The athlete from the relationship with Ewa Pacuła has a 24 year old daughter, Nicole. A very young young woman is suffering from kidney failure. His condition is serious. In 2007, she underwent her father's first kidney transplant.

After the operation, Przemysław fell into a coma as a result of complications.

Fortunately, the kidney was accepted, but five years later another transplant was needed. The kidney came from a deceased donor and the operation took place this spring. Unfortunately, the organ did not accept. Nicole needs dialysis.

Ewa Pacuła, in a conversation with Videoportal, confessed that her daughter was feeling well, but that regular dialysis was necessary

The first transplant was successful and worked for a few years, while for the second transplant, unfortunately, the kidney went to cart […]. Doctors are unable to diagnose why the kidney coagulates. We must learn to live with this disease. Nika will be on dialysis or transplant. That's how his life will look like

We're crossing fingers for Nicole and everyone waiting for a transplant. And healthy people are encouraged to save lives

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