Salmonella contaminated eggs GIS warns


The Chief Sanitary Inspector warns of eggs contaminated with salmonella. Their producer has already decided to withdraw the product from the market due to health risks.

The removal of eggs, according to the GIS message, is due to the detection of salmonella enteritidis. His presence was found in eggs marked as: "Cage breeding eggs, size Wag M", having on their shells the code: 3PL26111314 and expiry date: 23/07/2018 and 24/07/2018.

Lot of Doubtful eggs (lot No. 23/07/2018) was produced on June 25, 2018 (date of laying), the producer proceeded further to the removal of eggs on June 26, 2018 (lot number 24/07 / 2018).

Withdrawal from the market

The egg producer is Gospodarstwo Rolne Krzysztof Niewczas at Tychów Nowe (Pawłów municipality). The factory informed consumers of the withdrawal of the product and the possibility of returning it to the place of purchase.

"In the interest of the safety of our customers, we decided to withdraw the product from the market due to health risks".

GIS stresses that eggs removed from the market will be sent for recycling. This process is supervised by the authorities of the Veterinary Inspectorate and the State Sanitary Inspectorate. He also recommends that you do not eat eggs, especially those that are raw, because of the potential risk to health.

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