Saturn's moon could support life, Cassini's spaceship results show


Saturn's Moon Could Sustain Life, Cassini's Spacecraft Results Show

The Saturn Enceladine's tiny, icy moon could house the means to sustain life, according to new data from Saturn. 39, an American-European spacecraft. But do not pack your bags yet, temperatures tend to reach -198 degrees Celsius (-324 F).

An international spacecraft discovered intricate organic molecules from an icy moon orbiting the planet Saturn, scientists said Wednesday.

Frank Postberg and Nozair Khawaja, of the German University of Heidelberg, identified it after being ejected into ice grains by cracks in Enceladus ice shell

" This is the very first discovery of complex organic materials from an extraterrestrial aquatic world. "Postberg said.

Cassini already flew by Enceladus in 2005 and discovered lighter organic molecules. According to the European Space Agency (ESA), larger molecules, such as those recently detected, are created by chemical processes that could support life. "This is the latest in a long series of discoveries made by Cassini, who said that he thought the molecules came from high pressures and warm temperatures in the heart of the moon, before spawning a path up to the surface of the water and slide to the surface of the water.

The Cassini mission and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) ended in 2017.

Covered with ice, temperatures on the Moon tend to reach -198 degrees Celsius (-324 F).)


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