Scientists have discovered the quasar "brilliant"


<img class = "aligncenter" src = "" alt = "Astronomer posted in social networks with the glowing ball [19659002Theradiosignalsfromthegalaxywhichismorethan13billionlight-yearsawayfromEarthwere"thebrightest"ofthosewhowereabletodetectascientistresearcherswillbeabletolearnmoreabouttheoriginofouruniverseArelevantworkpublishedintheAstrophysicalJournal

"Signs of the past" takes a quasar is an active galactic core at the initial stage of development in which a supermassive black hole consumes the surrounding substance.Substances formed accretion disk, which is the source of extremely powerful radiation.It is noted that such galaxies can be a trillion times brighter than the Sun. [19659004] The light disc of the ga Laxity at this time was not in the center and 35 million light years to the right. To find that was not only in the universe with several billion years, it is difficult to detect the quasar, which is usually 10 to 100 million years.

Experts believe that if we talk about unilateral quasar reactive type, they can detect and measure its extension, looking at it for several years.

Australian astronomer posted in social networks with a luminous ball that approaches the Earth from space. The observer is sure that the diameter of the mysterious object is 260 thousand kilometers.

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