Scottish Conservative MP Ross Thomson attacks Brexit plan in May


  Ross Thomson

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M. Thomson was one of the leading campaigners before the referendum on the EU

A Scottish Conservative MP declared that the British government's Brexit plan would not respect the outcome of the European referendum unless major changes are made.

Ross Thomson was part of a group of uncompromising Brexiters.

The government narrowly won the vote on the bill despite a pro-EU conservative rebellion angry at the changes.

million. Thomson told BBC Scotland that he wanted the government "to stay true to its commitments" on Brexit.

The Aberdeen South MP also insisted that he and Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson, who had campaigned against Brexit in the referendum, had "agreed to disagree" with l & # 39; Europe.

And he laughed after being asked if he had allowed his actions in advance with Mrs. Davidson, before saying, "I do not clarify anything with anyone, thank you".

The UK is expected to leave the EU on March 29 next year, but it has not yet agreed on how its relations with the bloc will work.

Prime Minister Theresa May and her cabinet agreed on a plan at Checkers last week which led to the resignation of Boris Johnson, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Brexit Secretary, David Davis, and highlighted the deep division of conservatives in Europe.

Some Brexiters, including Mr. Thomson, believe that Checkers' plan will keep the UK too tied to the EU

But pro-European Conservatives accused Ms. May of "giving in" to Eurosceptic wing of the party after the government have accepted their requests to amend the wording of the draft Customs Law, which is one of the key elements of the law on Brexit.

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Brexit map drawn by the Prime Minister and his cabinet last week

Speaking to the BBC's John Beattie program, Mr. Thomson stated that Checkers' plan "must change before it is acceptable to me and in fact before it is acceptable to the country."

And he said that he was worried He added: "People voted to leave the customs union and the single market and the European Court of Justice and regain control of our borders."

"The compromise plan we have of Checkers does not achieve any of these objectives."

M. Thomson said the prime minister had already used important speeches to expose her point of view on what Brexit really meant, what she was looking for "

" Losing the plot "

And he insisted: "I simply ask the Prime Minister to keep the promises that she has made and to keep the government faithful to the commitments it has made"

MEPs debate another key piece of Brexit The government has the power to establish new trade relations in the world after the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU, and the deputies who support the maintenance of the customs union of The EU seeks to change

SNP MP Peter Grant said his party wanted to make sure that leaving the EU "was causing the least damage and damage to our economy" and to our society "

. the "plot" on Europe, and accused Mr. Thomson and his colleagues of making "the worst sort of Brexit" more likely.

That would put "tens of thousands of Scottish jobs" in jeopardy and cost the economy "billions of pounds," he said.

Mr. Grant said: "If that is what Ross and his Scottish colleagues are calling for. Scotland, I shudder to think of what they would do if they were trying to harm the economy. "

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