Selection of judges to the Supreme Court. Iustitia criticizes the new national register of courts


S The Association of Polish Judges "Iustitia" regrets what is happening now with our judicial system. He issued a critical and alarming opinion on the changes to the Supreme Court and the new National Council of the Judiciary. According to the association, the judges' career can be done today in Poland by refusing the first president of the SN, prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf

"Iustitia" does not recognize that the new National Court will now work. "We regret the deliberations of the body claiming to be the National Council of the Judiciary, composed of judges elected by two political groups," reads in the Association of Polish Judges "Iustitia".

"The members of this body, including judges, judges who are fighting for basic human rights are accused of political activity and eliminated from the competition."

This is the work of the new National Register of the Court
. As proof, "Iustitia" entrusts the case to Judge Marta Kożuchowska-Warywody. "She has been accused of participating in the Light Chains and of being present in the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Court of Justice by Ms Krystyna Pawłowicz, a member of the new National Council of the Judiciary, with the approval of the present judges ". Below, the proceedings of the meeting of the new national judicial register, where A list of people visiting the European Parliament has been photocopied – candidates for the position of judges are evaluated.

How to make a career of judge in Poland
"Iustitia" also reveals the method of career of judges in the current situation in Poland. Just deny, uncomfortable for the authorities, Małgorzata Gersdorf. The first president of the Supreme Court still maintains that his mandate is defined by the Constitution. He opposes the reform of the PiS

"The key to the judge's career is the repression of the first president of the MN, Professor Małgorzata Gersdorf, until April 2020. The same body was evaluated negatively by several judges of the Supreme Court who We do not believe in the reliability of the procedure of appointment to this instance "

Małgorzata Gersdorf is currently on leave and will replace Józef Iwulski

" Iustitia ": contest at the Supreme Court Invalid
The Judges Association is also recognized that competitions for the post of Supreme Court Judge are invalid, because they contradict the Constitution. Thus, the composition of the organ itself should not be valid. As the judges point out, the decision of President Andrzej Duda should have the countersignature of the Prime Minister. The signature of Mateusz Morawiecki is missing, and therefore the competition is invalid – "Iustitia" proves it.

"This is not only due to the unconstitutional procedure, but also because the President's decision to initiate it in violation of Article 144 (2) of the Constitution does not make any difference. was not against-signed the Prime Minister in a statement

The SSP statement "Iustitia" was written after Saturday's meeting with the judges and branches of the association of all Poland: "Today's # We heard the voices of the judges from all over Poland. the legitimacy to participate in such a competition, guided by the good of the Republic of Poland and the protection of the rights of citizens. "


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