Sergio Marchionne – unexpected dismissal due to health


Sergio Marchionne, 66, controversial head of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, resigned on Saturday, July 21, 2018. Recently, he underwent an operation of the arm after which complications appeared.

In the official communication from the FCA, we read, among other things, "During this week, there were unexpected health complications after the surgery, which Mr. Marchionne has gone through." In recent days, his health has been improving. Is significantly deteriorated and he will not be able to return to work. "

Recall that Marchionne was Fiat's most important person since 2004, and he planned his retirement only in 2019. His unquestionable successes include the merger of Chrysler's bankruptcy with the Italian company and the creation of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.

His successor was Mike Manley, 45, who was the Jeep brand since 2009 and the last three years also the American RAM has now received all the power of attorney, but the official appointment will take place at the next shareholders' meeting.

John Elkann, grandson of the legend of the Italian company Gianni Agnelli, dev int president of the board of directors and president of Ferrari. Currently, he runs the company Excor, through which the Agnelli family controls their investments. It is not only FCA and Ferrari, but also the football club Juventus, who has bought in recent weeks the famous star Cristiano Ronaldo, which provoked protests from employees of Fiat [1965900]. {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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