Seym: a resolution was passed concerning the establishment of a VAT investigation committee


"The Sejm of the Republic of Poland appoints the Inquiry Commission on the lawfulness and legality of actions and the negligence and omission of public bodies and institutions with the aim of ensuring the income from the Treasury to the goods and services tax and excise tax between December 2007 and November 2015 (…) "- was written in the resolution

The Sejm rejected the proposals of l & # 3939; opposition in which it was proposed to extend the period to which the committee would deal. In the most ambitious proposal, the PSL-UED club wanted the committee to examine the period from March 2014 to the end of 2017. The amendment, which brought the number of members of the commission from 9 to 11, was also rejected

. in particular against actions, negligence and omissions, including members of the government, "in particular the competent minister for the budget, public finances and financial institutions, and the public officials subordinate to them". The President of the Court of Accounts and subordinate officials, the prosecutor's office and the organs responsible for prosecuting crimes, including the head of the Internal Security Agency, the head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau and the commander-in-chief of the the police.

have 9 members. PiS recommends that the chairman of the commission Marcin Horała (PiS).

In support of the draft resolution on the establishment of a VAT investigation committee, PiS deputies wrote that in 2007-2015 the phenomenon of exhaustion progressive VAT system could be observed. According to them, Poland has not undertaken activities suggested by reports of the European Commission and introduced in similar tax jurisdictions, for example in the Czech Republic or Slovakia

"The gray tax area and black broadened, a clear sign that despite the increase in consumption and growth base delays and omissions in the implementation of solutions preventing fraud compared to d & # 39; Other countries in the European Union have led to the phenomenon of tax fraud migration to Poland from countries where the fight against fraud has been swift. and

A gigantic VAT deficit

It was noted that in 2007, the state collected tax debts from its own citizens, so that the funds thus obtained would be paid to criminal groups. gap gap The value added tax has risen to about 8.8%. and from that moment, it began to grow dynamically, reaching about 26 percent. in 2015. According to estimates from the European Commission, the VAT revenue gap over the years 2010-2015 averaged about 24% per annum. therefore clearly above the EU average

It was pointed out that the change of government in 2015 caused a strong reversal of the trend. "Effective efforts to improve tax collection undertaken by the government after 2015 raise a number of questions about the reasons for the government's inaction in this area in 2007-2015" –

According to data provided in the justification, the losses for public finances result from this inactivity. they are estimated between 200 and 300 billion PLN. These measures – evaluated – would solve many urgent social problems. "During the course of the work, the commission should indicate the persons responsible, determine the degree of guilt – from incompetence and negligence to intentional actions and formulate conclusions regarding the political and penal consequences, direct the motions towards the organs appropriate "- ask the author of the commission

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