She took the afterburner, she died. Police: we have a reseller


Police arrested a man suspected of marketing legal highs. His "commodity" may be related to the death of a 30-year-old woman.

– Police are investigating the death of a woman who is probably dead after using drugs, says a young inspector. Joanna Kącka from the Lodz Police.

According to preliminary results, the woman went with three friends on ul. Piotrkowska in Łódź

– Together with two other participants, they decided to take boosters. Previously, one of the men had bought a drug of unknown origin near the market square in the district of Górna – a policewoman reports.

After taking a cigarette, Lodzian, 30, and her 2-year-old friend lost consciousness. the woman is dead. His companion was saved by doctors – informs Kącka


The second of the men who lit the afterburner was also sick, but after a while he recovered without medical intervention

– The police, investigating the case, reached other witnesses, which allowed to arrest a man who sold a dangerous drug – says Joanna Kącka.

He turned out to be a 29 year old resident of Lodz. In his apartment, the police found nearly 240 grams of a substance of unknown origin. According to the police, it is post-combustion.

A man heard allegations that there is a danger to the lives and health of many people and a significant amount of drugs. He faces 12 years in prison.

Police point out that legal rates are now one of the most common causes of juvenile intoxication and death

– Their consumption has very serious health and safety consequences. 39, poisoning is very difficult. composition of these substances – explains Kącka.

Author: bż / gp
Source: TVN24 Łódź / PAP

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