She was the beloved angel of Kaczyński. The friendship with the president just turn it


Jaroslaw Kaczynski is a man who influences many things in the Polish political court. Unfortunately, his authority does not go as far as he wishes. One of his close associates has just finished working with him.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski will face a huge loss. His longtime friend, and especially a close colleague, is going away. The reason is a higher position and more money. In the end, the new Prime Minister proposed his new position.

Jarosław Kaczyński has to say goodbye to his friend. Mateusz Morawiecki took it from him

Anna Krupka has so far acted as a member of the Law and Justice Party. The woman joined parliament in 2015, when the PiS took power. Today, she faces new challenges. Mateusz Morawiecki appointed her Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism. According to the ministry, the woman is supposed to "strengthen the competitiveness of the Polish tourist offer". The Prime Minister informed of the Prime Minister's decision.

– By decision of the President of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki, Mrs. Anna Krupka was appointed today Secretary of State at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism – we can read it on the Ministry's Twitter.

Anna Krupka also had other, less political functions at the time. According to Newsweek, a woman sometimes played the role of personal makeup artist Jarosław Kaczyński. He was supposed to bring Krupka and the president of PiS closer together.

"A few years ago, someone was wearing makeup so that the president would be better prepared for performances in front of the cameras.Two girls from the office, if necessary, took a suitcase containing cosmetics and had Kaczyński Krupka was one of the makeup artists – we read in the newspaper.


There were Charlie's angels, and there is Kaczynski

Although Anna Krupka arrived at the Sejm only in 2015, she made her political debut much earlier. The woman became the face of the elections in 2011, while she was one of the "Kaczyński angels". The training included a few, the youngest women of law and justice.

Candidates could be admired on billboards that would slightly refresh the party's image and guarantee it victory. Unfortunately, it just happened the opposite. Jarosław Kaczyński was defeated at the time.

The past of Anna Krupki is not forgotten. Although seven years have passed since the unlucky display boards, the Poles still remember it. Some of them think that a woman involved in such situations should not hold such high positions in the state.

– Enada. First, an angel of the PiS president, now a serious minister. Do they even know what they do? – wrote one of the Internet users.


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