Shit and malaria. She stopped the revolution!


This week, Magda Gessler and the team of "Kitchen Revolutions" have agreed to help the owners of the premises of "Masala Twist". The owners, Ram and Prajwal, come from Nepal. In Poland, they wanted to show their culture to the Poles. However, despite the mix of Indian and Thai flavors, they have no customers. According to the owners, we do not like very spicy foods. And what is the real reason?

"Revolutions in the kitchen." First day

Kitchen revolutionsKitchen revolutions TVN / Kitchen revolutions screen

Magda Gessler arrived at the scene where she was immediately hit in the open air. It turned out that no window could be opened. After having ordered, she emphasized that the colors of the dañas are very intense. She immediately realized that they were adding a lot of sodium.

But to dye. Why do you add dyes to dañas? – she asked a troubled waitress.

The cooks explained that everyone in India did it because otherwise every dish would look the same. Gessler discovered the real reason for the lack of customers.

Unfair and colorful food. Everything is artificial – she concluded.

Kitchen revolutionsKitchen revolutions TVN / Kitchen revolutions screen

"Revolutions in the kitchen." Second day

Magda Gessler drew the owners' attention to the mistakes they made. First: the temperature in the restaurant. Second: use dyes. So she asked them to reject the sugars and the chemistry. In addition, she acknowledged that they had a very ugly interior. It was not better in the kitchen, where dirt reigned.

There is mud and malaria here. Everything is not clean – it's terrifying.

The leader stopped the revolution, because the dirt was terrifying. Then the whole team left to clean up.

Kitchen revolutionsKitchen revolutions TVN / Kitchen revolutions screen

"Revolutions in the kitchen." Third day

It stinks, "she said after entering the center.

It looks like a nasty hole, she added.

She was still not satisfied with the effects of cleaning. Everything has become sticky. The owners no longer smiled because they thought they did not please Magda Gessler. However, she decided to help them and brought in people who helped to put some order on her premises.

Magda Gessler nonetheless offered them a new vision of the restaurant. She also called her name "¯ar Tandoori".

"Revolutions in the kitchen." Fourth day

The cooks prepared very tasty meals for Magda Gessler. Under his supervision, dishes were created for dinner and for the promotion of chemical-free premises. In addition, the interior has been modified and the decor seduces many its owners.

In the evening, guests were delighted with what they saw and the dishes they received. At the same time, they heard Magda Gessler's opinion:

I was almost broke because I did not see such an interior. However, the dishes were good despite the chemistry they added. These people can just cook – she summed up during dinner.

Kitchen revolutionsKitchen revolutions TVN / Kitchen revolutions screen

Four weeks later

Magda Gessler came back to Toruń again. The restaurant staff was happy because the guests started coming to them. The food tasted a restaurateur, although she still commented that they would add too much sugar.


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